Chapter 2

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3 weeks before death.

Itachi enjoyed peace, everyone knew that he was a sensitive guy that did not enjoy conflicts. Which made his position in the Anbu a difficult one. 

He had two important people in his life that would bring him back to reality when he would get too sucked in the Anbu. Sasuke and Shisui.

It was one of those days, Itachi was taking a walk in the forest hoping the falling leaves and breeze would shake away the stress of his day. He was so deep into his thoughts that he didn't notice Shisui swinging above him like a monkey.

"Itachi!" Shisui had a big grin on his face as he landed in front of him. With twigs in his hair and dirt on his face, he took away the invisible weights on Itachi's shoulders.

"Let's see who can reach the cliffs the fastest! Ready and go!"

He didn't wait for a response as he took off into the forest. Itachi couldn't help but smile and join his childish antics.

Running this fast with the wind and leaves brushing past his face was an indescribable feeling. Nobody was chasing him and he wasn't chasing anyone with the intent to capture or kill. 

He shut his eyes as he ran chasing the feeling of freedom. He was so into it that he ran into Shisui making them both tumble down towards the cliff. 

Itachi's run was so fast that the force caused both him and Shisui to struggle to stop. Shisui was slightly larger in muscle definition so he dug his hands into the dirt to stop them from going down the cliff.

"What the hell Itachi!"

Itachi was the first to notice that Shisui was straddling him, his face close to his own and caged between his arms. He felt his breath get caught in his throat as a tingling feeling zipped throughout his body. His heart was experiencing the feeling similar to a melting popsicle, the feeling that always occurred when he was with Shisui.

He had been experiencing tender feelings towards his childhood friend ever since puberty struck and he has yet to act on it.

"Itachi... Hello?"

He realized he had been ignoring Shisui above him so he gave a grunt of response, "mn"

Shisui rolled his eyes and got off from Itachi. Itachi noticed his hands were bleeding from digging into the rough earth.

He instinctively grabbed his hands and brushed the dirt off and kissed it tenderly.

Shisui froze and stared at Itachi.

They were both blushing like tomatoes unsure how to get out of the now awkward situation. Itachi decided that the best thing to do was to walk away and pretend nothing happened.

"So that's what your gonna do? The intelligent Uchiha, captain of Anbu at 13, unbeatable at Sharingan! Your just gonna walk away like that? Not even make an excuse for yourself?"

Itachi stopped in his tracks with wide eyes.

"I didn't know if you felt it too but I have been feeling it for a good while now and I've been waiting for a sign from you Itachi. I've been waiting for some signal from your fucking blank face all these years and now you finally give me one and walk away?"

Itachi suddenly felt Shisui's hand squeezed his shoulder, "I don't think so," he turned the dumbfounded Uchiha around and pressed his lips against his. Shisui felt Itachi's lips quivering like a scared little school girl against his so he just pressed them together without moving until he calmed down.

Itachi's mind was going in circles unable to fixate on one thing. He had feelings for me? I thought I was obvious in my feelings for him.. Does this mean we can be together? But we'll have to keep it a secret, wait who cares when he likes me back! Wait why is he in my face... He's kissing me... My first kiss...ouch!

Shisui had gotten impatient and bit his lips to wake him up from his thoughts. He started to move his lips against his relishing in the feeling he's been dreaming of.

His demanding lips forced apart his shaking lips and allowed his tongue to delve into the unexplored warmth that was Itachi.

Itachi felt the strokes of Shisui's tongue against his, and his rough palms against his soft cheeks, this intense feeling was colliding with the musky smell of Shisui and attacking his senses at once.

Shisui slowed the brutal attack on his lips into a soft delve of kisses. Forehead against forehead, they panted together breathing in each other's breaths. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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