Beverly Hills, 90210: Let's Do It Again

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Brandon Walsh took a deep breath before turning and looking at his twin sister, Brenda. Brenda sent a quick glance to her adopted daughter, Carly, who clung to Brenda's hand with a fierceness that Brandon thought was adorable from the little four year old. When Brenda looked back up at her brother, she hesitated only a moment before nodding her head in the affirmative. After nearly thirteen years, Brandon Walsh pushed open the door, stepping once again into the house where he and Brenda had spent their later teenage years after they first moved to Beverly Hills with their parents.

"Bren….we own this now. This is our house," Brandon mumbled, somewhat in awe.

Brenda smiled at her brother and nodded her head. "What perfect timing for the old place to still be on the market, huh? And it doesn't look like any former residents changed anything too major. Kinda takes you back, doesn't it?"

Brandon broke into a grin. "That it does, Brenda; that it does."

While Brenda bent down to explain to her daughter that this was where they would be living from now on, Brandon walked slowly through the entry way and the living room, making his way to the kitchen and letting memory after memory flood his mind and wash over him like a downpour.

He'd kissed Kelly Taylor in that very kitchen years and years ago. It'd been a while since they had talked. He wondered if she'd fixed things with Dylan. Or if maybe there was a chance for him to rekindle the old flames between them.

Brenda was kneeled down in front of Carly, tickling her and kissing her little round, deeply tanned cheeks, when there was a knock on the frame of the front door, which had been left hanging open. She looked toward the door and lit up immediately.

"Steve!" she cried, bolting up right and running toward him, embracing him.

Steve laughed, caught off guard by Brenda's behavior. It wasn't in her usual demeanor to be so excited. Nonetheless, he hugged her back and pointed toward the driveway where Janet was struggling to get their daughter to agree to come in and meet her parents' old high school buddies. Brenda was gushing over how big Madeline had gotten (she was now fourteen years of age) as Brandon walked back into the living room, hearing all the commotion.

"Steve Sanders," Brandon said, causing him to spin around in not-quite-surprise.

"Well if it isn't Brandon Walsh," Steve tsked. Then he broke into a wide grin and tugged the other man into his chest, giving him a hug that had been thirteen years in waiting. "It's great to see you, man. It's been too long."

Brandon agreed. "And under such terrible circumstances. Who'd have thought it'd be Nat bringing us all back together?"

Brenda stepped into the conversation. "I don't know, Brandon. The Peach Pit was our place. We were always Nat's favorites. I'm not really surprised."

"Speaking of the Peach Pit, I'm pretty sure Valerie is already there. And Dylan should be soon, with Kelly. Wanna head up there?" Janet offered as she approached the three old friends. "I can't get Madeline to get out, but the promise of a Peach Pit smoothie will at least get her out when we get there."

"I'd love to see Dylan and Kelly again," Brenda smiled.

"Bren, I can't help but notice whose name you said first," Brandon said pointedly.

Brenda rolled her eyes. "Shut up, Brandon. Do you know how long it's been since I've been inside the Peach Pit?"

"And it's got nothing to do with one certain Dylan McKay?" he asked, light disapproval obvious in his tone.

"No, oh brother of mine. Nothing to do with Dylan McKay. Now could we get a move on?" Brenda, now rather annoyed, pushed past Janet in the doorway, sure not to be too rough with Carly following behind.

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