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He was so secretive all day, the only thing she knew was that they were going on a date, a proper date. He had told her to wear a sweater and flats, she was pretty relieved, as if she would wear heels voluntarily. He had headed to the shore and parked the car at the marina and they hopped on a boat that was already waiting for them.

She jumped of joy and hugged him

„Demir! DEMIR we're going on a date on a boat?!"

„Yes, a world where only the two of us exist! No aunts, ustas and fools to rush in"

She was laughing

„You are really a petty man, Demir Erendil, really really petty"

He was laughing too, „It was our weekend, togetherness and no one else was the plan, we had even the usta almost asking officially for aunt Leyla's hand!"

After receiving the instructions for the weather and traffic from the the boat's manager, who immediately left Demir started the motor and they boated out to the open where he dropped the anchor. Selin was watching him with big eyes.

„So you have a boating license and brought me on a date in the middle of the Bosphorus!? Impressive!"

„That is exactly what i was intending, how good am I doing?!"

„Really really  good"!

He lead her to the table for two at the back of the boat that was decorated with tiny white flowers and silver plates and revealed a huge silver bowl with pan fried chicken. Selin laughed out load by the sight of the dish.

„I was afraid we're going to have some half cooked japanese fish  and greens, I LOVE YOU!" she jumped in his arms. 

He held her laughing as she burried her face in his neck where he loved it the most. Her breath brushing tenderly against his skin under his ear, he could feel how he trembled unvoluntarily under it. She felt the shifting of his breath and his sudden density, driving her face just back off his neck to look into his eyes to meet them dark and hungry. For a couple of seconds they held the gaze till her lips magnetically just drawn to his. The very first moment was barely a touch, almost only brushing against each other, their breath quickening as their mouths and tongues found each other, touching lightly and exploring the soft moist inside of their mouths. After several minutes they broke off the kiss breathless. Demir was trying to collect himself.

„Selin! Selin, I need to tell you something"

„Demir...  I don't know if my brain has the required blood supply to listen?!"

Demir laughed,

„Selin, stop it, lets go to the front, i need to tell you something"

He was again frightened that she would overreact and not let him talk  but he knew as day by day was passing with Eylül in the office and her even evading their home, it was not fair to not tell Selin. He could not let this stand!

They sat down at the front, Selin was beaming at him, how was he going to break her heart? Why on earth did he not tell her right away, there would have been nothing wrong with having been engaged but now, after she had already bonded cluelessly with Eylül and was completely without any shield against her, he could not risk her learning it from Eylül herself or, god forbid, from Burak.

Finally, in a low whisper, he said,

"I think I am a terrible person for..."

For a split second she was insecure and expected the worst, that he was about to declare a breakup. Then she realized that everyone thought that they might be terrible people. But we only reveal this before asking someone to love us. It is a kind of undressing... was he going to propose? She felt her heartbeat accelerating, her puls against her throat...  

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