Chapter 5

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M/n pov

Today Ciel's uncle is bringing ciel's other uncle and his aunt Ms.Red and i think his name was Ray? yeah Ray. Ciel seems to show emotion to Ray towards him witch shocks me, sebastian and the others (ok I'm rude  oof) so i heard a knocked on the door and i opened it to see Mr.Red with a lady like him with a strawberry blond haired boy who blushed when he meet my eyes "oh hello Mr.Red!" i said while i keep the door open for Mr.Red the Strawberry blond and the lady "Hello uncles and aunt...." Ciel says but then the red haired lady past Ciel straight to me "OOH CIEL HOW DO YOU GET GOOD LOOKING GUYS LIKE SEBASTIAN AND THIS BOY! oh my what is your name?" the lady asks while i chuckled lightly "M/n introduce yourself...." Ciel says "Hello My name is M/n L/n pleasure to meet you" i say the boys blushed as i bowed to them "s-same and n-no sir J-just R-ray is fine he stuttered while i was talking to Ray i didn't notice the Mr.Red, Sebastian, and ciel glare at Ray, And when you weren't looking Ray would smirk at them "Uncle why are you here?" Ciel asks while looking at Ray "I thought M/n might cheer him up since... your mothers death... you know he's been upset so when i met M/n  he seemed like a cheerful guy and cheer up Ray and it seems to work " Mr.Red explains "what about Aunt" "she forced me to let her come..." Mr.Red explains "oh" Ciel says while i burst out laughing "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" when i finally calmed down everyone was looking at me boys with blushes while mey-rin smiles while blush and Ms. Red looked amuse i coughed and said "s-sorry for that horrible display" i said standing and bowing "t-there's no need M/n -besides it was cute-" (so when you see - that means whisper k? k back to the story *sits and drinks chocolate milk with ducky-sama) ciel says i didn't hear that last part but apparently the others did the boys glared at ciel while Ciel was not affected by it "I apologize Master Ciel I didn't hear you.." I say confused "oh I didn't say anything important M/n, and M/n why don't you go make tea for us...early grey please" Ciel says I nodded and went to go make it

Third pov

Ciel looks at his uncle's "M/n is going to help with Jack the ripper and I know you two fell for him but I won't go down without a fight you too Sebastian" Ciel say glaring at them "oh my nephew likes M/n well I think it'll be a fun game to win M/n's heart don't you think so to brother?" Ray asks his brother Red who nods in agreement while Sebastian smirks at them then M/n came in "um...what are you guys talking about?" M/n says confuse "nothing M/n you may retire for the night" M/n nods "okay master Ciel! goodnight everyone!" M/n says cheerfully then heads to bed leaving a fangirling red (normal) and blushing boy behind


I'm so very sorry for not updating very much i was sick the past days so thank you for you understanding and patience and i'm very grateful and i have to say is i went to the glass museum  it was fun! i got to see all the cool glass and i got a glass deer antelope idk how you say it but it's very cool and i didn't even know it existed until my uncle told me and took me there with my other uncle and a friend of my mom's and my uncle who took me and so anyway hope you enjoy i know not as i was planning to but any Their thoughts on you! well only rays

Ray thoughts

Red my brother kept talking about a boy named M/n? i don't even know what he was talking about s-so t-this is M-M/n! h-he's pretty c-charming oh? my brother my nephew his other butler and some others like him alright then bring it on i ain't losing M/n like how i lost my sister...Rachel....

so thats that quick one i know don't have much time before school ends so hope you enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying the book thank you and bye~!

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