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Beam was beside himself hearing to what Pha had to  say to him. He can't believe what they're asking of him. He wants me to do what? The hell these people think of me? Fuck this shit!

"Chill man, it's not like I'm asking you to donate a kidney or something" Pha rolled his eyes and that made Beam to launch himself at the taller guy with curses and he'd have tackled him down if not for someone to catch him mid-air and Beam found himself held tightly in a pair of strong muscled arms.

"Take your hands off me-- HEY!!" Beam tried to wriggle out of those arms only to get pulled up tight and he felt his feet saying goodbye to the ground. "The fuck!!" panicked he started throwing punches randomly at that hard wall of a person holding him. Pha just stood there in shock, hands raised in the air. What just... did Beam try to hit him?

"Heyy easy there tiger" the tall muscular man held him even closer to make sure he doesn't go on hurting himself. He must admit he's impressed the boy's got that much energy in him not to mention the fine built he felt through that uniform shirt but still the tower he was about to go of on, was none other than Phana Kongthanin.

"Lemme go so I can kill him" Beam was still throwing kicks and punches in the air to get a piece of Pha who hurriedly stepped back in fear. 'Okay... so maybe the tiny guy won't be the one to get hurt here. Fuck I'm hard' The man smirked to himself feeling his pants tighten aroung his groin but he still held Beam tighter. "I SAID LET GO YOU FUCKING  TURTLE SHELLED mm.. MORON!"

"Beam!" Phana gasped at that. The fuck!! This isn't what he wanted.

The guy raised an eyebrow at that comment and slowly, very slowly loosen his grip on Beam. Beam must've realised he offended the guy or maybe he just felt that tent poking at his thigh as he tensed up. He fisted his hands against the man's chest to steady himself. The man snaked a hand up his nape to get a clear look at the feisty guy while the other hand still held him in place.

"Aren't you a fiery kitten" the man smirked but still spoke softly against Beam's ear.

"Yeah.." Beam had to purse his lips to stop shaking with the anger he felt. "Aren't you an excited dog!" With one hard push he managed to free himself from the guy's grasp but he almost fell if not for the man grabbing him from his waist and he ended up hitting into the man's chest. That's when Beam looked up and sprung back, his eyes widened. The man blinked. 

"Beam.. please stop over-reacting, you're being rude to Forth here for no good reason" Pha said, scratching his head. He didn't understand what's the big deal here. Beam, who was still looking at Forth in shock jerked his head to look at Pha. This is.. Forth?! That Forth!

He closed his eyes and when he opened it, they were devoid of any emotion. "Then you better stop being a coward and man up to fight your own battles... without me!" he hissed coldly before turning to walk away but stopped when Forth called out. 

"Beam! As in... the Beam?" he unconsciously stepped closer to Beam but totally missed that hint of sadness that quickly crossed Beam's eyes and was gone just as quickly. "You're the Beam Baramee?" He asked Beam in wonder.

Beam turned to look at him with the same calm and cold eyes. "Yeah.. my name is Beam. I don't know what you've heard to go so sparkly eyed over me but..." his eyes trailed towards Pha and then back to Forth. "I'm not interested" He told him firmly before walking away. 

"Sorry about that man he... that's just Beam" Pha sighed. "I'll see you around" He clapped on Forth's shoulder and walked away. 

"Whatever you did to him man!" Forth called out. "I can tell it was bad. He looked hurt"

Pha ended up chuckling. 'Beam and hurt?" 

"You better make it up to him if you don't wanna lose a friend" Forth warned him

"Hmphahah... yeah.. okay okay" Pha waved his hand walking away. Forth stood there watching him, still dazed. 

"So that's Beam Baramee. A whole year, drinking with Pha and hearing so many gossips about the handsome prince and yet this is how we met the guy" Sharp whistled.

"He's... Beam?!" Forth asked again to make sure, making Lam frown.

Lam clicked his tongue. "Oh.. don't tell me you want him" 

Forth looked down, a smile plastering his face. "Yeah... I still want him" 

He held his head up while he walked, calm, cool and collected, just till he reached his car. He looked down at his reflection in the mirror. He felt a surge of rage and hurt and shame. Why do I have to be the one feeling ashamed?  He didn't even remember me I guess. He smiled bitterly to himself.


"I really hope you value your life Phana"

"Tsk, stop it Beamie~" Pha hooked his arm around Beam's neck. "What're you so worked up about? Not like I was forcing you to do something you don't like doing, I just... It's you! I never thought it was a big deal" he shrugged. "Friends do it for each other all the time and besides... you flirt like you need it to breathe, come on. Stop pouting na~" he intended to hold Beam's chin but Beam calmly held his hand away from his face and stepped away.

"I flirt because I want to, I fuck around because I like sex" he said cooly, hands in his pocket. "And I always help you out of your mess... because I'm your fucking friend! But neither of that gives you a right to treat me like a slut" He left with his car, leaving a stuned Pha behind.

And ofcourse, neither of them noticed the person standing at a distance watching their interaction with a raised eyebrow.


Hope you like it. I know, I know, I have a few stories going on but the idea just poped in my head. I'm not quite sure which of these i'll be posting regularly and which won't. The Blue Moon is still my favorite out of all these even I update it the least regularly because writing supernatural stuff is hard. And Picture me and you is my baby, I love it. While surgeons is still new in the mix. But I'm not giving up on any of these. I might put a hold on one or two of these when I feel like I'm losing the touch but I will go back to them.

Read and leave a comment on this if you want me to continue it or not. See ya.

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