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Name: Victoria Williams Snow
Age: 28
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Clothes: black crop top, military pants, black boots, black leather glove on left hand, slightly bloody bandages on right hand and arm
Appearance: short, straight, black hair, tan skin, red orange eyes with slits for the pupils, scars all over her body, hour glass body shape, six pack, bags under eyes from stress and exhaustion, 6'7 in height
Personality: strict, cold, leadership, very strong, smart, powerful, barely smiles let alone laughs, serious most of the time, exhausted alot, tider almost everyday, workaholic
Likes: fighting, strength, agility, leadership, Rinteria(adopted daughter), hope
Dislikes: weakness, cowardice, weak idiots, trump, liars
Family: Rinteria(adopted daughter), USSR(hes her husband)
Friends: Russia, Germany(BFF), UK, EU, UN, France, Canada, Philippines
Enemies: she killed them
Allies: Germany, UK, Russia
Backstory: unknown
Other: she thinks Japan is an idiot, therefore ignores her most of the time

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