chapter two

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I sigh as I find out that Tom and Shannon can't make it this week because they have really important tests at school.I want to see my friends more than anything, but now I'm seeing how it's just not possible.

'Look, don't worry Madds! Whitewood and Dacia said they'd try and figure out how to help your mum. They told me to tell you to be patient, because they won't be able to get to here straight away. It will take a week,' Rhydian explained.

He had grown more care free, and spirited since he had got here, and I wished more than ever to be back at Bradlington high. I even found myself missing Mr Jefferies, and the Kay's, as well as Jimi, Sam and Liam. Recently though I had been growing more and more home sick. Even though I lived here now, Stoneybridge still seemed like home, and I hoped to return  there someday. Rhydian had told me about Mr Jefferies finding out about us, and I wanted to see my old teacher, to see how he was coping with it.

'Well what are we supposed to do? We can't just wait weeks!' I shout, 'Are you sure Tom and Shannon can't make it for just one week? Maybe Mr Jefferies can make an allowance for them to leave during exam time. He'll probably understand, now he knows about'

Rhydian thought about it. 'Yeah, Mr Jefferies might let them go, but to be honest I'm wondering how Shannon will find missing exams. She sounded quite keen to do them when I heard her last night on the phone. I'd feel bad if she missed them because of us!'

I knew what he meant. Shannon was possibly the biggest geek you could come across and she wouldn't want to miss exams, no matter how big the emergency.

'I'm sure she'll take it fine Rhydian. You know that she'd come if she knew how important it was!' I hated the way how my voice was uncertain. After all, I hadn't seen my friends for a long time, and even though we had been besties forever, there was always the possibility that they had forgotten about me.

'Ok, I've got Sirs number from when I first came and he wanted to offer me help, or something,' Rhydian fishes his phone out of his pocket and dials a number. Then he holds the phone to his ear. We both know that as wolfbloods we don't need to put the phone to our ear, but we both prefer it that way. It's more human.

I see him nod and mutter a few things, but I can't manage to pick up more than a few useless lines from the conversation. I wanted to know what they were saying, because then maybe I'd know whether Tom and Shannon were coming at all this week.

Rhydian mutters a goodbye, turns off his phone, and slips it in his pocket.

'Mr Jefferies says he'll let them go. He'll tell Tom and Shannon parents that they're going on a gifted and talented trip.' Rhydian says, 'we will meet them a mile from here in the morning. Jefferies is driving the three of them to Canada as we speak.'

I can't control my excitement. My pack are coming back. They are coming back to they're alpha.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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