Same old, Same old

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*BEEP BEEP* *BEEP BEEP* Castiel's alarm beeped. "Okay,Okay..." He groaned, turning off the stupid alarm. He gets up and heads to his closet. He turns on the light to look for his uniform. "White Shirt,  Khaki pants, okay" He recites in his head. He heads to the bathroom to do his hair and brush his teeth. "same old, same old..." He tells himself. He sighs and goes to the kitchen to make breakfast.

He makes biscuits and gravy while watching "Mi Amor de Siempre". Of course it's cheesy, but he loves shows about romance, fantasizing about being loved that way. The way the actors made it seem like fantasy, looking at each other as if it were a real relationship being recorded. His friends always called him "girly" or a "softie" for liking that sort of show.

"Mi amor, no lloras!" "Yo te quero mucho y mi duele ver te asi!" "Ramon" tells his crying wife, trying to comfort her. "Lo siento mi osito" The wife replies. Castiel giggles in a cutesy, girly way. Osito,Osito,Osito, Castiel repeats in his head. Such a cute nickname. I wish someone looked at me the way she looked at Ramon. I wish someone would call me honey. I wish someone would watch the snow fall with me. I wish.... That phrase repeated in his mind like if it was a kindergartner's homework.

He snaps out of his little day dream and realizes what time it is. He grabs his keys and drives to work. A small, but cozy French vanilla colored coffee shop in downtown Wichita, Kansas. When he first had joined the job he absolutely loved it, meeting new people, chatting with the regulars, making people smile, but he wanted something new. He didn't hate or even dislike the job ,but nothing ever changed after the 2nd year, there hadn't been a new regular in 3 years . Of course he cherished his regular friends but he just wanted to have that spark of something new. Someone new.

He parks his Monochrome car in the back, always the 3rd one closest to the Coffee-bean-colored back door. He grabs his things and heads inside. "Hey Clarence!" Meg shouts from the bakery side. "Haha. Very funny." Castiel replies in a jokingly annoyed voice. "Heyyy! Clarence is here!" Charlie shouts. Castiel laughs, "Okay,okay". He heads to the register and takes the days orders. Bobby, Ruby, Anna, Sam, and the rest of the regulars come at their exact times. He remembers the conversation topics for each regular. Talk about weather for Bobby, Supernatural forces for Ruby , Religious talk for Anna,and Stanford  talk for Sam.

"So what's new Bobby?" Castiel asks,slightly interested since it hadn't changed at all. Same cold and slight chances of snow. "Nothing much, the weather is still actin' like a princess who got her feelins' hurt." Bobby replies slightly croaking. Castiel laughs and gives Bobby his coffee, Black with slight alcohol in it. When Castiel first joined the job he would give him normal black coffee and Bobby would put alcohol in it, so Castiel started doing it for him. He finishes his conversation with Bobby and walks off to have a conversation with Ruby.

He gives her the coffee (Mocha frappe with whipped cream and a pentagram made out of sprinkles on top ) and sits down to hear more creature lore.When he first met her, he thought that she was weird, considering that she is in a Supernatural/Paranormal club, but he thought that it was a cult. She started telling him things about Supernatural forces and he had gained a HUGE interest in it, so he asked daily.

"So, any supernatural forces you haven't told me about yet?" He asks. "Yeah! This paranormal being called The Slit-Faced Woman." Ruby replies. "So, according to Japanese folklore, she was an astoundingly beautiful woman who was married to a samurai, but since he wasn't home much she thought it was a good idea to go slutting around.." she laughs. " So when her husband found out, he had gotten so angry that he turned her into a cheap Jeff the killer." She smiles while talking, showing her interest .

"So she dies, blah blah blah, and now she roams the streets of Japan, wearing a mask,and asking kids and roaming adults if she's pretty." Castiel's eyes widen. "Coooooool! What does she do if you say yes?" He asks, very interested in the topic. Ruby smiles again, lighting up the shop, glad that he's interested. "Well, if you say yes, she takes off her mask and asks again, if you say no, she kills you and if you say yes, she still kills you. The only ways to survive are when she asks if she's pretty, say 'so-so', 'you're average' or throw candy or fruit at her feet" Castiel smiles, finally getting his answer. "Thanks Ruby!" He walks off to have give Anna her coffee.

He sets it down and waits for Anna to tell him something about 'The word of God'. He was scared to talk to her at first, thinking that she would be a pressuring, snobby religious person but it's turns out that she really isn't. She accepts other religions and beliefs and doesn't care if you're gay or not, which was a good sign for Castiel. She usually has a whole conversation, but some days that she's rushed she only small talks and leaves. Castiel could tell that it was one of those days.

"Hey Anna, if you want a To-Go cup that's totally fine with me." Anna smiles nervously. "Yeah that would be great" Castiel gets the message and puts her coffee into the To-Go cup. French vanilla with a cross of chocolate cream on top. "You'll do great, I'm sure, God believes in you" Castiel smiles. Anna nods with a spark of inspiration and leaves. "So it was today" She had spoken about it, her interview was today. Castiel knew that she would ace it. She has the good heart and mind for a religious therapist.

He finally heads to Sam for Stanford talk. Castiel never got to go to college, he wanted so badly to become an artist but he and family didn't have enough money, so he started working at the coffee shop. He could still portray his love for art though since the regulars wanted decor on their coffee.

"Alright here is your Expresso with a law-nut (donut with a "law" written on it)" Sam smiles. "Aw cool! Don't steal or you'll be peELED??" Sam wheezes, trying to keep his laughter down. Castiel smiles. This is why I love this job. He smiles at the irony of his thought, since this morning he was complaining about it being boring. He talks with Sam for a little more than normally , since yesterday Sam had won a case, as per usual, but it was interesting to hear about the case. Right when Castiel is about to leave, Sam remembers something. "Oh! Before you leave, I told my brother about this place and he's thinking about coming tommorow, maybe at around 9:30." Sam adds. A new customer, possibly a regular...?! Tomorrow?!I For the win man!!. Castiel smiles and laughs. "Enjoy your coffee!" He says before leaving.

He goes to the back and walks up to Meg. "Meg! Guess what!" Meg smiles, knowing that Castiel has great news "what is it?" She replies. "We possibly are gonna have a new regular!! After so long..." He tells her excitedly. Meg grins. "Don't get too excited Clarence, you know what happened with Hester-" "Nonononono shush." Castiel interrupts. "We don't talk about her.." "Still can't believe that she liked you and got jealous, even though she knew you are g-"  "OKAY MEG!" Castiel yells, embarrassed. Meg laughs and walks to her car to go to the mall while on break. Castiel decides to stay and watch Netflix on his phone until Break Time is over.

The both come back finishing their activities and getting ready to work again. Castiel walks over to the cash register to see a Emerald Forest-eyed, constellation-faced man. "Are you Castiel?" He asks. Castiel's deep electric eyes widen. Dear god.

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