I had a Dream

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I had a dream

I literally had a dream; which one might call a nightmare.

But truly the choice is yours.

It all started with me witnessing the lives of different people, as if I was watching a movie. The first images starred a happy and a seemingly normal family living in the countryside; inside a gorgeous estate by a stream. Their house was a Victorian one, possibly from the 1880s, with a modern interior décor. This fact alone made me wonder what could possibly be the purpose of my dream.

I dont particularly regale in watching other peoples life during my conscious hours, let along watch them in my sleep.

Anyway, let's continue.

The mother was a blond beautiful specimen. She looked friendly, loving, caring and had all the traits an ideal mother could possess. She received as much love from her family as she gave. Usually, people picture beautiful women with handsome male such as themselves. However, this was not the case in this couple. Not at all!

then I thought,"Maybe I'm dreaming of true companionship", but then again why?

The father was short or perhaps just shorter than his wife. He did not really strike me as the talkative kind of man, a bit taciturn for some people. He had the look of a stereotypcal accountant. Therefore he looked a boring. The boy, possibly ten years old, was mature. Even more then his mother. He was reserved, lost and alone. understand, you cannot mistake this for sadness. His eyes were very intelligent and resigned.Despite all these information, I could not possibly tell you what their names were, maybe this fact was irrelevant. Perhaps their names were not meant to define them.

Now, cue the next scene.

A new character, this one named, is introduced. Sebastian, the mother's younger brother; a joyful kind of fellow who got along with everyone in town,but who had no one to go home to at the end of the day. He owned a small business in a china town. The Miniature was its name, and it was Sebastian's pride and everything. He had two assistants who he was very fond of. Miniature would be in good hands in his absence; that he was certain of.

So, I knew his name, along with a detail I found abosultely irrelevant. Sebastian had the personality of a horse.

Odd right?As if I would know what a horse's personality would be like. But, moving on...

Not unlike many dreams I have had, I skipped numerous successions of events until I found myself on island. It turned out to be a family vacation. The cabin they were staying in was horrible, mortifiying, painful to look at. It was entirely covered with pink! From ceiling to floor, top to bottom. Pink sheets, pink doors, pink everything, pink everywhere. And, on top of it all, different shades of pink. 

Suddenly, nighttime arrived at the pink doorstep while the mother was tucking the son in.

"Read me a story mother", asked the boy with dead eyes. 

"Of course honey, whatever you want", replied the mother sitting next to him.

"A long time ago, a family of four decided to go on a vacation.They discovered a beautifully isolated island with a little pink house,which the mom found lovely. Everyone in the family was happy in their own way; little did they know that it would soon be the end for them in this pink house."

The boy's face changed from resignation to pure joy after that last sentence. From this moment, the walls were no longer pink and had turned into grey. This was the end of a fairytale. I could see their shadows on the wall. The problem is they werent human shadows. The boys was of a cat; a giant cat with red eyes ready to fall on a prey at any moment while the shadow of the mother was a fish.

"Dont stop," he said with a sudden deep voice.

"Sebastian," she said in a sweet voice. "Everybody liked Sebastian and no one knows Sebastian like I do".Her voice cracked and tears started to fall.

The boy, on the other hand, was happier by the second and had a hungry look on his face.  He was frankly terrifying.

"Keep talking," he ordered.

"Sebastian is vicious and diabolical; He is the reason why I am dead. " These were the final words she had the courage to say given that she was violently crying.

"I ordered you to proceed mother!"he was standing over the crying woman, with a bigger and more vicious shadow behind him. My head was making a terrible buzing sound.Then, shocked, I saw him struck the mother with his back hand. She fell with screeching noise begging for her life.

"Please boy, don't, please I beg of you," she sobbed uncontrollably . "You know I love you."

"Shut up! I asked you to do one simple thing mother and you failed," he struck harder a second time, third and fourth.With each blow, his smile grew larger. When blood started gushing out of the woman, the boy was laughing hysterically.

From my disturbed third person point of view, I looked up in my dream and saw that Sebastian and the father were now watching the scene. Sebastian was oozing happiness. After the boy saw his uncle's face, he seemed to have had a final boost of energy. He took pride in killing the woman who gave him life.

I was tossing in my bed unable to wake up from the terror.

Giving one last glance at his joyful uncle, the boy nodded before his shadow devoured the remains of the mother. The father witnessed it all without uttering a single word. That's when I realized, he was a mannequin.

"Can we go home now Sebastian?" ask the boy.

"Ill buy you Ice cream on the way there," he said reaching for him as they left the house in flames.

Which is it then?

Nightmare or dream?

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