The Strange new Girl

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The wind was blowing and her hair moved with the wind. The leaves were falling down. She was surrounded by brown leaves. The girl was staring at the sky. When she noticed the boy who was looking at her she turned her head and her brown eyes were looking at him. Her eyes were beautiful. - She was beautiful.
Her lips were red, her skin was bleach, her brown hair was long. She was thin. The boy blushed a bit. He has never blushed because of a girl before! She smiled at him.

"Hello", she said.

The boy has never seen this girl before. Who was she? What was she doing in Mildea? A stranger.
The girl walked towards the boy.

"Hey hold up! Who are you?!", the boy said loudly. He doesn't trust strangers.

"I'm Mirai." The girl didn't move any steps forwards anymore.

"Mirai? I don't know you! What are you doing here in Mildea?! The village of time!"

"Oh this is my fathers' birthplace. He returned home with me!"

"Your father's birthplace?"


Suddenly a voice behind the boy began to speak.

"Oh Mirai here you are. We've been looking for you!"

It was the voice of a man.
The boy turned around and saw a tall man with blue eyes and brown hair. Next to him was Miltz.

"Oh hello dad!" The girl giggled.

Miltz looked at the boy. Then he looked at Mirai and said: "Seems like you've already met someone here! This is Sieghart. He is a very talented boy! He'll probably be able to master all elements perfectly someday!" Miltz was proud.

"Oh Sieghart? A beautiful name! And wow! All Elements? Then you could be called Element Master!", Mirai said with a smile on her face while she was looking at Sieghart.

"Element Master? Not bad! I like it!", Miltz said.

Sieghart didn't add anything to this conversation.

Then Miltz said: "Since you both already got to know each other... Sieghart could show Mirai around! She'll live here from now on! And I can talk a little more with her father Leonhard in the mean time! Alright Sieghart?"

Sieghart didn't agree to this.
"I wanted to go to the library and then I wanted to improve my magic!", he said.

"Oh please Sieghart you can show her around! Your training can wai-" .

"Library?! Ohh I want to see it! I could come with you! And after that I could watch you training your magic! This would be very, very interesting!" Mirai had interrupted Miltz while he was speaking.

Sieghart didn't want that girl to come with him. He wanted to study and train quietly. The girl seemed very energic and he was sure that she would talk all the time. He really needs to study in a quiet room so that he can concentrate better!

"I would like to study alone", Sieghart said and ran away.

"Hey wait Sieghart!", Miltz screamed.

It's not like that she was probably really annoying was the only reason why Sieghart did not wanted her to acompany him. He felt some kind of strange aura from the girl. He didn't trust her. She must have a powerful magic.

In the library he tried to focus on his studies but he had to think of that girl all the time. What was that power she possessed? Who was she? Does anybody else feel that strange power too? Suddenly Sieghart heard voices. "The voice of Miltz and the voice of the girl's father?", he thought.

"Yes that boy Sieghart is really talented. He's just 14 and already controls the four elements and he was able to do this even before he was 14! He's almost perfect at using them! A true talent!", Miltz explained with a voice which sounded very proud.

"I hope that Mirai and Sieghart will get along! I think that she could learn a lot from him!", Mirai's father said.

"I think Sieghart could be a cool guy! I'd like to get to know him!", the girl said excited.

They reached Sieghart who acted like he didn't hear anything and just read a book very interested.

"Hello Sieghart!" Mirai screamed and jumped next to him. She was full of joy and energy. Sieghart didn't like it. She was just like he expected her to be.

"What do you read there? Let me see! Let me see!", she said excited.

"Please don't get on my nerves", Sieghart said and closed the book. He stood up and left.

"I'll go and train in a quiet place.", he had said before he left.

"I think he doesn't like me", Mirai said while looking down. She looked like she was really sad.

"Maybe he just had a bad day", her father said in intention to calm her down.

Mirai smiled insidiously. Then she laughed.

"I'll get him to like me!"

She ran out of the library and giggled. Her father and Miltz both had a questioning expression on their faces.
What was she planning to do?

[My mother tongue isn't English. Please excuse my mistakes! 😅]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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