Chapter 1: A Vibin' Encounter

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Townville, a town that is known for two things: 1. it is situated at the base of the enormous Mt. Ebott, 2. it is the first town where humans and monsters have started to live together.
On the day when the monster race was liberated from the cage they knew as Mt. Ebott 5 years ago, Townville has seen its people welcoming the monsters into their world, and from then on they have happily lived together under one big community, and because of this the town prospered as well. Nowadays you would see humans and monsters talking and helping each other, and some of them may even be in relationships as well. Everyday the streets of the town centre will be so lively, you would think you were in a big city. Among the many shops and restaurants in the heart of the town there was a small bar and food joint which had a classical yet casual feel about it. On the top of the building, in big light brown letters it said "Grillby's". And that is where our story will take place.
The inside looked like your usual long-time running bar, with wooden furniture, the thick smell of cigarettes, and of course the bar regulars. In this particular bar though, you would only see monsters here almost all of the time. These monsters either played cards with each other, talk about their hard, stressful lives, or they would be slumped on the chairs, half-asleep from their toxic sleeping pills called shots. In this calm and boring environment, there was one regular who always smiled. That regular was a skeleton, but not just a normal skeleton. He wore a large blue jacket, black and white shorts, and a pair of fluffy pink slippers. He would speak in a deep, casual voice, and he was always smiling. He was known as "Sans the Skeleton".
Today, Sans was doing what he usually does: orders a good ol' bottle of ketchup and then starts talking to the bartender of fire, who also happened to be the owner of the bar and his good friend, Grillby. Sans was talking about his life away from the underground and his experiences when all of a sudden the door opened.
Sans looked behind, and when he saw who entered, he was a bit confused. It was an orange cat that was walking on two feet. He had an indifferent expression on his face, though if you looked closely he was smiling a bit under his whiskers. He had a chubby appearance, but nothing too concerning. He walked up to the bar stool and managed to get up on the tall chair.
"Oh hello there", Grillby said to the orange cat. "What would you like today?"
"Do you have lasagna by any chance?", the cat answered in a calm, almost tired voice.
"Yes we do. It's a new item in our menu", the blazing bartender said. "I will make it straight away." Then he went into a back room.
Sans looked at the orange cat who was beside him. He was thinking to himself if he was a monster or not, since he never saw this cat when he was getting out of Mt. Ebott. But the more Sans looked at the cat, the more he started to..."feel" something.

Sans started panicking a bit. What was this feeling? It wasn't like any other feeling he had before. The more he looked at the cat, the more this feeling started to grow. Sans was beginning to sweat a bit. As the feeling grew, Sans quickly realized why he has this feeling: the cat is sending out big vibes. This cat was vibing on levels that weren't even thought to be possible. Sans started to think more and more about his vibe, which was getting stronger and stronger, getting enormous and warm. Sans slowly went into a sense of mental bliss, the vibe was getting too much for him, his mind was going blank, almost as if he's about to-
Then Sans quickly shook his head and gotten himself to wake up from this euphoria. Whoever that cat was, his vibe was making Sans have *feelings*, and this completely freaked him out. "what if I just talk to him? i can't just sit here like I'm about to be boned. you know what, i'm gonna make a pun, that always gets people into conversations", Sans thought, feeling pleased with his grand idea. Sans slowly turns to the cat, and then the cat started looking at him. Sans was still sweating, but he regained his composure and finally started talking.
"hey there pal, you don't look so paw-sitive today", Sans said while he winked at him.
The cat just looked at him for a moment, then he chuckled a bit. "Look at that, a comedian who's also a skeleton. You know it's not Halloween yet, right?"
"eh, i'm just trying to cheer ya up. you looked a bit down there."
"Don't worry", the cat said. "I ain't sad, just really hungry."
"ah i see. by the way, the name's sans, sans the skeleton.", Sans said while sticking out his hand for a handshake.
"Sans, huh?", the cat said. He then went for the handshake.
"My name is Garfield, Garfield the ca-"
A loud farting noise came from the handshake. Garfield quickly took his hand away, only to see that there was a small bag-looking thing attached to Sans' hand.
Sans then started to laugh, feeling proud of his top-tier joke. "heheheh, the old whoope cushion trick, always gets new people like you." Garfield looked at Sans disappointingly.
Just then Grillby came with a plate of freshly cooked and scrumptious lasagna.
"Sans, are you bothering the newcomer with your silly joke?", Grillby asked.
"give it a rest, grills. you know I work a skele-ton on my quality jokes.", Sans answered, still chuckling to himself.
Grillby just sighed and then turned to Garfield. "Your lasagna, sir.", he said while handing the plate to Garfield.
"Thanks buddy. Can't wait to get a taste of this!", Garfield said, visibly stroking at the sight of this marvellous piece of Italian delicacy. He took the lasagna and, before you know it, eats the whole piece in one big bite. Sans was a bit shocked while Garfield was licking his paws.
"I gotta say, this Grillby guy makes some great lasagna. I should come here more often", Garfield said, feeling satisfied.
"uh yeah, he sure does", Sans said while he still tried to process how Garfield managed to do that.
"anyways why did you come here in the first place?", Sans asked him.
"Well, the place I used to go, called Vito's, closed down recently. The poor guy couldn't keep up with the payments and he was forced to close down his restaurant. It's a shame, I really liked Vito and his restaurant. Also my owner, Jon, said he's "tired of my bullshit attitude to him and his dog Odie" that he said he won't be making anymore lasagna for me. I could've just snapped him out of existence like the sack of shit he is, but I didn't feel like it today, and decided to search for another place. And now I found it."
"uhhhh, that really sounds like a handful...", Sans said, looking a bit concerned about the whole "snapping out of existence" part.
"What about you, do you come here usually?", Garfield questioned him.
"yeah, one of grills' first regulars. i don't do much here, just drink bottles of ketchup and talk to grills, and also making top-tier puns", Sans said while winking at the last part.
"Ah, you say so", Garfield said, unconvinced by the skeleton's comedic capabilities.
"by the way, i got a question for ya. are you a monster or something else, because i haven't seen you before", Sans asked said in a more serious tone.
Garfield stayed quiet for a few seconds, and then responded: "Well, I'm just a cat. You could say that the only thing different about me is that I eat and sleep a lot."
"is that so..."
Then Sans started noticing something. He still had that feeling from the huge vibe Garfield was giving. He couldn't do a vibe check even if he wanted to, and this warm, fuzzy feeling was getting stronger by the second. He had to ask about this, he needed to know.
"hey garf, i know it's gonna be weird if me saying this after we just met, but...i feel this enormous vibe coming from you and it's making me feel all fuzzy inside, and- actually, nevermind. forget i said anything", Sans said hastily while he turned away. He thought how stupid he was for even bringing this question at all. He was feeling embarrassed now.
"Actually, I'm getting the same feeling too from you. I guess you got quite a vibe yourself~", Garfield said, smirking cheekily at the blushing skeleton.
"oh, uhh... yeah, i guess i do. thanks, i guess."
"Anytime bony~", Garfield said while winking at him. "Say, how about we take a walk outside and talk more about this?"
"yeah, sure, i'd like to...", Sans said, still blushing. Garfield was quite forward for a chubby talking cat.
And so together they went outside the bar and into the warm and fresh evening that lay ahead of them.

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