Yuno Gasai x Male! Reader

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I don't own Future Diary

(Y/n) = your name
(M/n) = mother's name
(B/n) = bullies name

Hi, my name is (Y/n). This journal is about all of the events I'm going to experience this school year. I have recently transferred to a new school, which I'll meet amazing friends! Or I hope so...

(Y/n) pov

Ah that feels better. I love writing in this journal, makes me feel relieved of stress.

(M/n): (Y/n)! It is almost time for school, are you ready?

(Y/n): yes mother!

I finished preparing my things and started to walk to school. Since I'm going to a new school, I'm starting to get a little nervous. I need to make new friends, and get along with others.

Timeskip 1 hour

3rd person view

(Y/n) arrived to school pretty early, being the first one in the classroom. A few hours later, students slowly started to flood the classroom. Class started normally since he changed school during the middle of the year.

(Y/n) pov

The things we are learning in class is pretty easy, I might be able to pass this school year easily, I thought to myself.

As I was finishing up that thought, at the corner of my eye, I see a girl with pinkish hair looking at me. I was a little surprised at this, then she notices me looking at her and she turned back around. Strange, you thought.

Timeskip to the end of school day

(Y/n) pov

Today was pretty normal. I didn't manage to make any friends today, but I'll make some in the future.

I was walking down the hallway on my phone typing in my journal, but unfortunately I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking, and bumped into a girl.

???: Sorry! I was on my phone I wasn't looking where I was going.

(Y/n): Don't worry, I didn't pay attention to where I was walking either.

???: oh aren't you the new kid?

(Y/n): yeah I guess so, my name is (Y/n) (L/n), nice to meet you.

???: my name is Yuno Gasai, it is nice to meet you too. You seem pretty nice, do you want to hang out at school tomorrow?

(Y/n): Oh s-sure, why not?

Yuno Gasai: Okay that's great! See you at school tomorrow!

She grinned then walked the opposite way. Her smile was somewhat mesmerizing... no don't think this, she wants to be your friend, I thought to myself.

Maybe I was a little shocked, I'm going to make a new friend right away? Maybe this could be a good school year after all. I started to finish up writing in my journal.

Scratch that, I met someone named Yuno Gasai, she seems really nice and she wanted to be my friend!

I finished up and walked back home.

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