Taming the rainbow

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Rainbow had just caught a balcony that had collapsed when an elder pony added his weight with the other elder ponies. She was hovering in midair, doing a victory dance. She was oblivious of the obnoxious show she was putting on for herself. Twilight and the rest of the gang walked up to the edge of the crowd. "Call me silly, but I think this whole hero thing might be going to Rainbow Dash's head." Twilight said a little worried.

"You may be right... silly." Pinkie chimed in. Twilight just looked at her annoyed.

Just then Scootaloo rolled up on her scooter. She marveled at her idol. "There just aren't enough words in the dictionary to describe Rainbow Dash's awesomness!" she squealed giddily.

Twilight leaned over to Applejack and whispered, "I can think of a few new words."

"And ah bet mowdest is NOT one of them." AJ completed Twilight's thought.

"No, but she is kind of awesome. She'd be even moreso if she wasn't so highminded though." Twilight said.

"Hey Twi? Ah've got a few.. um.. errands ah need to run. Ah'll catch ya'll later okay?" Applejack called back as she trotted away. She had a deep dark secret she hoped nopony would ever know. If her family found out, the would probably disown her as a member of the family. But seeing Dash in her boastful state made her determined to break that spirit. Dash had been the only pony Applejack had eyes for, but she was nervous at what she would think. Now, she didn't care. She was going to get what she wanted.

"And then, I ZOOMED into the well. I knew it would be dark and dangerous, but I didn't let that stop me. Danger is my middle name. Rainbow Danger Dash. Thinkin back on that day, I acted pretty awesomely heroic that day." Rainbow Dash had recited this whole hero speech for most of last night. She wanted to keep her heroic stature up so she decided what better way to do that other than a speech? And here in Sugarcube corner, it was the best spot since ponies were always coming in and out to buy Pinkie's delicious cupcakes.

However, outside of the crowd, she didn't inspire awe and inspiration. Rather she influenced annoyance. "Awesomely heroic that day and awesomely arrogant ever since." Applejack muttered only loud enough to where Twilight and Pinkie could hear her and they both vocalized agreement. "Ah cain't take this anymore. Ah'll see ya'll later". And with that, the orange earth pony walked out.

Twilight noticed Spike in a reporters uniform holding a notepad and a pencil. "Umm. Spike? Are you taking notes?" she inquired.

"Yup." he answered. "I've been hoof picked by Rainbow Dash herself to write her autobiography."

Twilight shot Rainbow a glare. "Autobiographies are supposed to be written BY the pony they are about."

"Maybe for your normal run-of-the-mill ponies. I'm far too busy saving lives to stop and write. That's why I hired Spike here as my ghost-writer." Dash countered.

At this, Pinkies hair stood on end. "AAAAAAHH SPIKE'S A GHOST!!!" she screamed and then she vanished out of the door.

"Anyway" the pegasus continued. "It takes guts for a pony to do what I can do. Now if you will excuse me, I have some lives to save that need saving." In the next moment, she was gone leaving a rainbow trail leading out the window. Twilight and Pinkie just rolled their eyes and decided to move on.

Rainbow Dash was beyond annoyed. The whole day passed without a single accident. How am I going to keep up my heroic stature if there is nothing to do?! She thought. Oh well. I have tomorrow. She was just flying over Sweet Apple Acres on her normal route home when she felt a pinprick of pain on her flank. She stopped abruptly into a hover. She looked at her flank and saw a syringe-like dart. She pulled it out with both hooves and threw it away. She suddenly felt exhausted and was losing all control of her wings. Her wings went limp and she plummeted toward the ground. The last thing she saw before slipping into unconsciousness was the silhouette of a pony quickly draggin a net behind her to break her fall.

Taming the rainbow by soarin_2013Where stories live. Discover now