Chapter one

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( warning : may be a touchy subject so don't read if it makes you feel uncomfortable )


If you are reading this then you probably already know why I did what I did , I am sorry .



(1 year before)

"DAD IAM NOT GOING" I screamed almost bursting a vessel , but he carries on shoving me out of the warm house into the cold air of the night " I am not having you live here under my roof ,your disgusting , what you feel is a sin and I am not having that put on my family " I sobbed as the man I once admired and hoped to grow up like ripped my feelings up like a pice of paper .

"Dad its not your choice anymore , you can't just send me off and hope I will stop my ways , it doesn't work like that ", my dad was stubborn a common trait of our family so instead of actually listening he just through my bag at me that he had shoved  some cloths into " now get in the taxi , you won't be coming home until you can finally act normal " I can not believe this is actually happening , my own farther is sending me to a conversion camp " you know I am doing this because I love you and want you to be healthy " , I sat in the taxi and looked the opposite direction to his unbearable face " you don't love me , your no farther ". I slammed the door and continued to look ahead while the car started .

His words sink into my head making my heart ache but I am just as stubborn so I cough instead of letting the pools I can feel welling up inside out  , I can't go back to that house but I can't run ether. I am surrounded by hate so how am I supposed to be sane  in these situations.


I pulled my tired form out of the taxi who was just as egger to leave the camp as I was , I watched the taxi as it reversed in no time and sped down the road I was just coming up wishing I could just hop back in and run away .

"Hello sweet heart what's your name " I turned to see a tall man wearing a turtle neck and navy blue jeans , he clamped both his hands together trying to keep up a sweet persona but I knew why I was here and he probably was anything but. "Jade , jade thirlwall" he smiled and offered to take my bags which I got no choice in as he ripped it out of my cold grip "well I better get you seen to inside , don't want you getting anymore Sick do we " and there it is the evil side , didn't take long . Still I followed him inside looking at all the rooms and areas which I presume is like the living area of this place " as you can see this is the guest area were you and other patients will be living and right outside is the garden area , you are not allowed to leave your room after 9:00pm and can not leave the Premises of this building without being escorted. Every hall of this building and outside have cameras so don't try anything oh and prayer starts at 8:00 am every morning " I stood with a cold glare on my face as he smiled down at me " and which is my room " I said in a sarcastic tone which he didn't seam to pick up on " number 10 , you go and make yourself comfortable while I get some of your paper work ready , I will be back to check on you in 15 mins ".

I strode down the hall to room number 10 which was already unlocked , I carefully pushed my door open seeing white walls and sheets with a very noticeable cross above it "you don't have to have that up I ripped mine down years ago " I turned on my heals to see a blonde with piercing blue eyes , my heart dropped as realisation dawned on me why this beautiful women was in here " hu ?" I questioned her as she stood with a very smug smirk on her face " the cross , I tore mine off the wall when I first arrived , they never managed to put it back up " she giggled and my God did my heart speed up " oh , what's your name " I asked a little flustered by the beauty in front of me " Perrie , hey um the dude is coming back I will talk to you once he has left you alone bye " and with that she ran from my door as the guy reappeared " take no notice of her she's a trouble maker , what did she say to you ?" He asked while I sat down on my bed " oh just asking me why I am here and where I am from nothing to bad oh and she told me that if I wanted anything that I could ask you ". Ok so I know she didn't say that but I was really hungry and needed a drink so I just wanted to play up and see if it works " oh she did ugh I mean yeah what do you need ", I coughed and rubbed my stomach a little making myself seam a little worse then I am " I am just really hungry and I need a drink , i haven't had anything for hours and I don't feel well". He quickly nodded and signed my papers off before rushing off to get me some water and food .

"Well played , he never dose anything for me ".


Authors note : first chapter , hope you enjoy this I know this might be a touchy subject but if you feel uncomfortable about this subject then please don't read it however this book will change and won't be like this always , anyway let me know if you enjoyed ❤️

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