where is all began

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As I was growing up life was good until the world went to war I was always scared that our house would be a next hit in the fight. I would be always hiding in my bed with a pillow over my head because I was scared, scared of not being able to live a full life.

I want to be strong for my sisters and my parents but it's hard to be strong when you cant predict on us all making it through this.

This went on a long time, eating out of cans and staying hidden underground to not become a target ourselves.
Dad was always brave for the family he would always go and do runs to get more food and supplies to bring back to us. He would always do his best to try and bring a little gift for the 4 of us so we can have a little bit of happiness in our lives and have something to distract us for a little while from what has happening outside in the world.

Few weeks went by and a trumpet started playing a happy tune, so dad went up to see if that meant all was safe. Mom followed close behind him with my baby sister Roberta in her arms she was almost 7 years old at the time, I Alice was 16 almost 17 in a few weeks and my two older sisters who were Eva, 23 and Vera, 25. We all followed close behind our mom as we all went to go see why that beautiful trumpet music was playing.

Dad told us to stay a little bit back away from the front door as he went on to opening it. Dad slowly opened the door and peaked out, a smile grew ever so big across his face and when he looked at us he opened the door. As the door was opening the sun shined in so brightly you can see the foyer of our tiny little home grow so bright. Dust came slowly blowing in with the sun making it a bit breath taking and mesmerizing to watch. We all slowly walked outside to take a glance at what the world looked like after being underground hiding in protection for a few months.

The world was a huge mess, almost of wood, rocks and crumbled houses that were hit during the war.

The community started to help clean up our tiny little town in England, woman would make meals together for the men and young adults started picking up wood and rocks and cleaning up the streets of England. Police rangers would go over areas where houses used to stand with dogs to smell out for anyone that may have been caught under all the mess. If you heard the dog barking and starting to dig a group of men would go over and help dig up the area the dog was parking at. This went on for a month and a half and the streets were finally clear and we repairs the damage on the houses that were still standing.
We lost alot of great and innocent people during all this but they are going to get the memorial they deserve and a proper burial so their souls can rest in piece.

We lost hundreds almost a thousand innocent people and brave soldiers that we all knew personally during the war it was a hard time to process how horrible if must have been for these individuals and what was going through their heads at the time or how they must have been feeling? when it all can crashing down on them. The thoughts that went through my head were so much I couldn't help but cry feeling sorry for these families that didnt deserve it but I was also grateful for having made it put of this with my family. In other words we were lucky for others they weren't and that is when I felt bad and wish I could do more to help these families feel better about losing their loved ones. All we can do now was be there for each other at this time of hardship.

We became like family after this devastating tragedy we all went through we lived for each other, we lived for ourselves and we lived for the ones that can't.
Their memories will live on because we will live on the memories for them.

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