dying swag

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Your swag will fade out, it will soon die.

What's the point of having it?

It won't forever fly.

Pants hanging low, lower than hell.

You might as well pull them up.

You'll get pantsed and they'll fell.

Guys wearing snapchats.

Tattoos on their chest.

We're not interested, we'll forget about the rest.

You can't sing, rap, or sag.

So don't swear and brag.

I don't care how many papers you have.

You may think that your all cool.

But your really not all that.

You just really look like a fool.

Your not hard.

You can't hit.

So just don't throw a fit.

Your swag will turn gray.

Which means it will die.

Old poem I wrote 2 years ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2014 ⏰

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