A Stupid Little Story

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~A Stupid Little Story~

Ive always been that girl that's quite around people but am outgoing when with friends.

But completly different.

First off I dont mind talking to people. In fact I like talking and meeting new people. But im not usually the first to talk unless I have to. Second of all im proud of (mostly) everything that I do and I like sharing it with strangers to get the most brutally honest critic. I want to improve and im not scared of what people think of my work. If you want to improve you cant have everything sugarcoated.

Ive been like this for as long as I can remember. If I'm not asking my art teacher to put my artwork in the display case im sharing the stories I write with all the English teachers in school so they can help me improve it.

As ive gotten older ive strayed further and further away from writing stories and leaned more towards photography.

I think the main reason for that is what happened in 5th grade. I was experiencing writers block while writing a fantasy story.

Now that I look back on that story it could have passed as a 2nd graders story. It was just a stupid little story, but I was in love with it at the time.

Anyways, I decided that since I was a big kid now that I was in 5TH GRADE I would take a step forward in my story sharing. So I shared it with everybody in my grade.

I dont think 90% of the people read it to be completely honest but I didnt care. As long as I got some helpful feedback and maybe a fan or two I was happy.

Unfortunetly for my poor little 10 year old heart nobody helped me. Probably due to their own lack of storywriting experience. Luckily the few people that did read it would complement it when they walked by me in the hallway.

But this story isnt about them. Its about Jacob. He wasn't a popular kid at the time but he did have quite a few friends and he played soccer so he was definetly more popular than me, the social outcast, so I still have no clue why what happened between us ever happened but it did.

Thank you for reading the first chapter of my first fictional story! Its kind of short but they will get longer. This was just sort of the background of the story and I figured I would give you more than just the sinopsis (look at me using the fancy words💅) of the story for the first chapter. I will try to post at least two chapters a week but we'll see how that goes.

Btw the cover photos will be some of Marianne (cough cough my own) photography to show her artistic side better

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