A bit more info!

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This story takes place in this year. It goes by days, but a new day will not be posted every day. One hour in the story=about 5 hours in real time! (So a new 'day' will be posted about every 4 days!) This story will welcome gay witches, so get ready for some gay. There will be a lot of gay. If there's anything (any character drawings) you would like posted. Show them to me! As soon as I can, I will post a picture of Mika! There will be the following chains: main chain (where the RPing goes on) chat chain (where we can just chat, and laugh about the story) idea chain (ideas for the next day) and quote chain (where you can quote funny parts of the story!) If there's anything you want OC wise (other than a drawing) put it all in one place (I suggest making a Witch RP book!) We can't wait to see all your OC's!

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