Chapter 22: Discharged

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"Nurse? Can you please see if Aaron would come down to my room," "yes of course Agent." So I just got done talking to the shrink. That went over well. He cleared me to go home, thank God! So now I'm going to ambush Aaron. Aaron walks in my room, "hey baby what's going on?" "Oh nothing," I sniffle making this a lot more dramatic than what it should be making him feel bad, "I just I don't know- if I can do this. It's just been so much..." Now I start bawling, tears the coughing the whole nine yards. Aaron runs over and jumps onto my bed, "Babe are you okay? What happened?" I look up and stare at his face. No more tears just a serious face. "Nothing's up, I just thought you may feel better if I cried a little." I say really sassy, he just smiles and shakes his head, "so I take it you spoke to Dr. Lewis?" I laugh, "yes I think that was his name. I kind of flipped shit on him, and then he left. He didn't stay for very long!" Our doctor walks in. "Agents, I'm happy to tell you, your both free to go home. Agent Hotchner, you'll have to come back every two weeks just to make sure your burns don't get infected. Agent Jareau, you have an appointment with Dr. Lewis in two weeks, and you also need to meet with your physiotherapist next week as well. We have gotten you a wheelchair that you'll need to us until you get your mobility back into your legs. You guys got all that?" "Got it!" We say at the same time, we all started laughing.

Finally we are leaving! Hotch put me in the wheelchair, I feel soo stupid in this thing! I'm so embarrassed the entire team is waiting for us in the lobby. I can hear Morgan making fun of me now. Honestly Aaron isn't the strongest person right now to be pushing me around. "Uh you realize I can wheel myself around, as a matter of fact I can probably walk by myself." "Keep you ass on the chair Jen, I can manage to push you." We get to the lobby and I just put my head between my hands, the whole team is in the lobby, they have big banner, and their all clapping and screaming. I tug on Aaron's shirt, "uh do you mind getting me my gun out of my bag so I can shoot myself please?" "Only if you shoot me first," he kisses me on the forehead. "Well look who it is!!! The couple of the year! Future Mr and Mrs. Hotchner!" Derek screams from the middle of the room. Aaron looks down at me as I look up at him and we just smile. "Here Hotch, let me push her," Spencer is such a sweetheart. Who's the guy standing in the group. Oh I know who it is. What is he doing here, "Will? Is that you?"

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