CHAPTER THREE- Part 1 The real purpose came out

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October 5,1939

Dear Diary,

The fall of Poland is inevitable. Germany has the advanced and more powerful war machines over door-steps of Europe. Our boarders has widely stretched even to extremities. Into the Fuhrer's determined hands. Greed has already dominated the world, I saw, civilians that has suffered so much just for one man's ambition and it gives me reason to disgust. This uniform is disgusting. It took away from me the gift to cure as a doctor, My hypocratical oath, it has compromised replacing cure of bullets in my hands. I hope this war ends as soon as possible...

----Closed the diary unfinished. 

My young Aide visited my tent to inquire. He's just about 22, Sergeant Reges.

"Sir, is there anything you ask?"

"No, none. Sit down sergeant" I said the young officer.

He sits down in the chair next to my table.

"Technically I really need your assistance. "

Sergeant: "Sir?"

"Well, how should I...."

"Tell me about your family, your job.."

The sergeant expressed an excitement on his face. I encouraged him to continue.

Sergeant: " My...Ah my family, I have my wife Rita, she's just 19, we ran away from her parents..

"OW Finally I found a real Man here ha ha ha!"

Sergeant (laughing)" Yes, Well Colonel I have a child now on her belly,and...And I...I just can't wait to  see them.." 

Augh. My wife Erza, and my child, I was reminded. This is so nostalgic!

"Sergeant. how do you feel about this war?"

Sergeant: " I'm sad. My work, I'm a plumber and a carpenter, also a farmer. Now what am I doing, destroying homes, shattering walls, and being part of the people's hunger."

"I'm a Doctor. Now, I'm a man of war, and  I'm claiming lives." Ironic


The Sergeant is speechless.




"Are you swearing an oath of loyalty to me sergeant?

The officer has fell into silence

"Look at that picture hanging on my wall. He's the real Archenemy of Germany."

"I'm engaged at high treason. Can I count you In?"

The Sergeant looked carefully at the painting. A moment of silence for both of us.

He looked me in the eyes.

"YES Colonel. At any cost. You can count me In."

"Don't worry Sergeant, you'll see your child on Christmas. And I will go home too.I assure you."

"You're dismiss."

The sergeant stood firm and gave me a nazi salute.And turned his back exiting my tent.

                                                                     [Sergeant Reges' P.O.V]

October 6, 1939

"Dear Diary, 

I met an extra ordinary Colonel, a unique among all the officers I've known. It's just about three months of fighting with him, but I felt I am secured with his command. I am hoping, that the war would end sooner enough, He's point is vague. The real enemy of this country is not among any other country, but It's own leader, leading us to death and destruction. we are like marching..Marching into somewhere we could'nt believe, like a march to the valley of death and torment. I can't stand the agony of inoscent people dying..I am engaged in treason, not to betray my country, but to take sides with the light."

                                                                            [End of P.O.V]

On February 11, 1940, An Economic Agreement  Between the German Reich and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was made. This was known as The 1940 German Soviet Commercial Agreement.Soviet Union will supply and export oil, raw materials and grain, while germany will supply Soviet union war materials, technologies, machineries, and raw materials as payment.

The agreement went good in the first phase of negotiations.

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