Dark Reality

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In Darkness: prompt
October 2019

My left foot goes forward, shortly followed by my right as I walk in the woods. Not having a recollection of how I got here or what exactly I'm doing here, my mind tries to figure things out. It isn't going too well up there. A couple of branches snap under my feet and the sound takes me by surprise to which I jump back. Once it gets quiet and settling, I continue walking. I bend down to pick up a leaf and as I do, I see something move from the corner of my eye. My body jerks around at that direction and all I see are tall trees, surrounded by the absolute blackness. There's a full moon, thank God, which gives the slightest hint of light. I stop walking to check the battery in my phone. 8%. Yup, I regretted using it all day without charging. All of a sudden, I hear a sound, something like leaves being stepped on. I'm not moving, I think to myself, what's making that noise? My body starts moving forward, trying to walk away from whatever it is that's behind me. I trip on some creepers and fall on the palms of my hands. Sitting up, I hear the crunch of dry leaves again. This time, I look around. Nothing. Before I could get up, something wraps itself around my neck - a creeper plant, a hand? The grip grows harder and the moon must've been covered by clouds because it gets darker than normal and I can't make out the face of the creature that's nearly strangling me, that is, if it has a face. My vision gets blurry and I can feel veins about to pop when...

Sky, blue sky. White clouds. Sun, oof, too bright. I blink my eyes open, them tearing up immediately from the blinding daylight. My tongue feels dry - heavy, almost. Turning my head to one side, I see grass. The smell of freshly mowed grass enter my nose and I scrunch in disgust. Too strong, I think.

I get up, slowly, still feeling dizzy. I touch my neck, which is covered with some fabric and I look down to see a sleeveless turtleneck top on my upper body. Having a hard time remember where I am, I see a man mowing the lawn. I know him, it's dad. Staggering, I stand in front of him.

"Here you are finally, mom was looking for you. She needs you get the flowers for Ceci."

I must've looked confused at his remark because the next thing he says is "Renèe, what's wrong? Go, your mother's desperate."

I get inside the house and mom seems relieved to finally see me. Sending me to some store to get flowers, she goes back to her record keeping stuff for the business.

The entire day goes by, no one mentioning if I've been acting weird or anything unusual happening. My body feels tired once we get done with dinner and I kiss everyone goodnight before heading upstairs to my room. I pull off the shorts and my turtleneck before standing in front of the mirror in just my underwear. Before I put on my nightshirt, something catches my eye. A mark. Around my neck. I look closely, it looks like a mark caused my fingers wrapped tightly around my neck.

What the heck, I say to myself before the lights go off in the house, my room plunging into utter darkness.

- eww_unicorns

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