Chapter One

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Chapter one

Lana Loud

“Please Lana, don’t fail this test!” I whispered to myself as the teacher handed back the class’ tests graded.
“What are you talking about, Lana? You always get higher marks than most the class, why are you worried?” My friend Tracy asked, apparently hearing what I said.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Why not, Lana? Did you get an F?” She taunted me.
“Tracy, I said-”
“C’mon Lana, tell me what you got on your last tests!”
“Fine then, don’t! Some people are just so stubborn.” She said, but I could still hear her.
Oh really, I thought. Tell me about it.
For some reason, my last two tests came back with a big fat F, even though I was a strait B student and I studied a lot. If I fail this test, Principle Huggins will have a meeting with me, privately. Oddly enough, he said that I can’t tell anyone about this or else. He didn’t specify what though. He also didn’t specify what he meant by “or else” either.
“Tracy, come get your test!” My teacher called.
Tracy went to get her test, which meant that I was next to get my test.
When Tracy got her test, a huge smile spread across her face.
“You were the best in the class, Tracy.” My teacher whispered to her from the other end of the class, but I could hear her.
That’s odd, I thought. How can I hear her from here?
Tracy’s smile grew even bigger as she went back to her desk.
“Carla! Come get your test!” The teacher called.
“Teacher? I think you missed me!” I called out. I always get my tests back right after Tracy gets hers.
She turned to face me with glaring eyes. “Come see me after I finish giving away these tests.”
I knew that I failed this test. Why else would she ask me to come see her later and not give me my test back?
“Carla! I still have a few more tests to give out, hurry up!” The teacher called.
Carla stood up and spat in my face discreetly as she went up to get her test.
Carla keeps on bullying me, but every time I try to stop her, I always get in trouble. “Principal Huggins gets the final say, and Carla is not a bully!” Is what Principle Huggins always says when I tell a teacher, which then always leads up to the Principal repeating those words over and over again.
When Carla went back to her desk, she kneed me in the stomach and laughed, which caused me to double over crying in pain.
“Lana Loud! Stop acting like the victim and blaming Carla! Timeout, now!” The teacher shouted at me.
“What are you talking about? She just kneed me!”
“Timeout now Lana Loud!”
I looked at Carla, who was at her desk snickering.
“Did you hear what the teacher said, Lana?” Carla taunted me.
I angrily stood up and went to the timeout char, which was at the opposite side of the classroom doors.
“Teacher? Can I go to the bathroom?” Carla asked. Her desk is the closest to the doors.
“Go ahead Carla.”
Carla stood up and headed towards me instead of the doors to punch me in the back.
I screamed in pain. She really punched hard.
“What in the world has come over you Lana?” The teacher asked.
“She just punched me!”
“Who did?”
“How Lana? She’s in the bathroom, the doors are at the opposite side of the room to where you're sitting!”
I looked around for Carla, but she was nowhere to be found.
“Now, sit down and stop whining!” The teacher said.
That was weird, I thought. How could she disappear like that?
The teacher handed out all her tests to my classmates, which felt like eternity waiting for her to finish.
“Lana, come over to my desk please.” The teacher called.
When I sat down, she spoke again.
“Here is your test.” She said as she handed it over to me. A big fat F. “You are to go to the Principal’s office immediately.”
I didn’t want to go, but I had to. As I walked past the desks of my classmates, I looked at my answers and compared them. I had the same answers as my classmates that got the question right, but it was marked wrong on my sheet.
“Teacher, I have the right answers!” I shouted.
“No you don’t, Lana.”
“On Mark’s test he wrote that ten plus seven is seventeen and you marked it right! I have seventeen too and you marked it wrong!”
Something in the teacher exploded and she walked out to me and grabbed my arm to drag me out the door and presumably the Principal’s office. Her grip was as tight as iron and she had almost mechanical strength. I could smell a bit of smoke.
“Help!” I shouted.
My classmates just stared at me blankly and stopped moving as I got dragged out the class flailing and trying to break free.
I took out my wrench from my waistband and, with all my strength, hit her arm with it.
My teacher didn’t even flinch. It sounded like metal hitting metal.
Metal hitting metal, I thought.
Is my teacher a robot? I thought.
She opened the door to Principal Huggins’ door and threw me in before slammed it shut.
I turned around to see Carla locking the door.
“Thank you for your help Carla. Make sure that she doesn’t get out.” A man’s voice came from everywhere in the room at once.
Principal Huggins’ voice.
I shivered in fear as his desk chair turned slowly around, squeaking a little. Suddenly, the air dropped like five degrees Celsius.
”I’ll give you something to shiver for.” The figure in the chair said, facing me. Principal Huggins was sitting in that chair.
He crept up really close to my face as I stepped back in fear.
A faint smoky smell rose from behind me as I stumbled into Carla, who grabbed me. I swung my wrench to her face.
Carla's also a robot? I thought. Great, the Principal's most likely one as well.
She didn’t even flinch as she ripped my wrench out of my hand and threw it on the ground. After that, she grabbed my wrists with that inhumane grip my teacher had and lifted me off the ground.
She took a step forward towards Principal Huggins, who went face to face with me. He too, smelled a bit smoky.
“How about we bring you on a little ride, boy?” He said in a dark, menacing tone. “Doesn’t that seem like a good idea?”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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