Chapter Twelve

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Maton hefted himself out of the pool and pulled her up. Gloriously naked, he padded over to an open shower next to the pool and turned on the tap. He held out his hand, and they both stepped into it. He soaped down her body with some liquid soap that he'd squirted onto a sponge. It smelt delicious, like coconut and lime, and she smiled up at him, loving the attention. When Maton was done, he went over to some shelves that were stocked with towels. He took one and wrapped himself in it, then took another for her. She turned off the tap, then stepped out of the shower and into his embrace.

"Hmm," she moaned, her eyes closed.

"Nice?" he murmured.


"Do you want something to eat first, before we get into bed again?" he asked.

"You've just reminded me I haven't had any dinner," she laughed, opening her eyes.

"Let's take care of one appetite at a time, then," he said, his deep blue gaze penetrating her eyes, his soft expression warming her from head to toe.

He led her into his bedroom so that they could dress. He gave her one of his t-shirts, which came just below her behind when she put it on. Maton dressed in a singlet top and a pair of loose-fitting shorts. It was dead winter outside, but Maton's apartment was toasty warm, and Kendall didn't feel the cold at all.

"Go and help yourself to a bottle of wine," he said, nodding in the direction of a doorway off the living room.

"What are we eating?" she asked. It would help her wine selection.

"Creamy pasta."

"What happened to the salmon?"

"I put it in the freezer," he said, unable to meet her gaze, as though he was suddenly unsure of himself again.

"I'm sorry about before. I just..."

"It's okay. You don't have to explain. Once upon a time, I would've been the one doing the running. I guess I'm not used to it being the other way around."

"Maton, I wasn't running. I needed some time to think." She couldn't exactly tell him she was having a guilt trip over the fact that she'd practically been paid to sleep with him, even though she'd never had any intention of accepting the money.

"Did you enjoy last night?" he asked, his eyes searching hers.

"Yes," she murmured, smiling and biting her lip at the same time. "Very much."

"Go and get the wine, or we'll never eat," he said, his expression turning salacious. "There's a nice Penfolds Chardonnay in there somewhere."

Kendall set about finding said Chardonnay in Maton's very impressive wine fridge. She located it easily and rejoined him in the kitchen, perching herself on a stool by the kitchen bench so that she could watch him as he cooked. He stopped chopping the mushrooms momentarily so that he could set two wine glasses on top of the counter next to the wine bottle, wordlessly indicating that she should pour them each a glass before he turned back to his cooking. He expertly cut up the remainder of the mushroom, some spring onions, ham, and threw some cheese and cream into the pasta while she poured them each a glass. It was all very domesticated—Maton cooking, her watching while she sipped at her wine, the way they could understand each other without the need for words.

"I'm impressed," she said as she watched him, taking another sip of her wine. "A male who knows his way around the kitchen."

"I had to. Mum was a bit of a mess when Dad left, so I took over." His answer surprised her. He'd barely spoken of his father.

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