4 - "Living Hell."

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"How did I get in here?" Demi asked, just hoping that she didn't want to know anything else. Suzanne gently placed her hand on Demi's arm on the table. Pennsatucky adjusted herself on her seat, just getting comfortable.

"Yeah, I mean look at you. I've seen the way you carry yourself around." Pennsatucky replied to her, not moving her eyes off her. All three women sat in silence for a few seconds.

"It..all goes back to when I was four years old..." Demi started before shuffling slightly, trying to bring her emotions to a stable state. "My parents became..oddly different. Before, they were so loving and caring...or so they seemed. I turned four..and they both started beating me up." She said as she used one of her hands to wipe her eyes before she continued. "I put up with that for two years.. people noticed - reported it.. so I lived with my grandparents.." she stopped for a second - then nodding as she skipped past everything else in between.

"They kidnapped me.. made me watch them murder all these innocent people.. and then they blamed me for it." Demi finished before looking at two completely shocked faces in front of herself.

"Fuck.. that's cold." Pennsatucky said to her before she shook her head. She couldn't believe that she was framed by her parents. Demi shrugged and nodded. "Yeah I guess, but you know.. people are crap..." Demi replied to her comment before shrugging.

That's when the bald male, known as Hellman, came walking over again. Pennsatucky quickly stood up whilst Suzanne stepped up behind Demi. Demi looked at them both and stood up before having Hellman in her face.

"Next time I see you giving Badison trouble? I'll fucking end you." Hellman seemed to growl at Demi before almost pushing her back. Demi almost fell back into Suzanne, who caught her with her hands. Demi just looked at the bald man before carefully stepping up and looking at him. "I'd be careful. You're not very careful about who's watching and listening to you two, are you?" Demi responded simply and blankly. Hellman's look just came to realisation.

"You say a fucking word..I'll make your life.." Hellman started before moving his face close to hers. "A living hell." Hellman snarled before pushing her back into Suzanne again. "Stop pissing around inmate!" He yelled just to cover up his defensive actions, walking away with the firm authority still visibly there just by the way he walked. Suzanne kept the innocent girl in her grasp, her eyes following the guard with the fear in those eyes being known. Demi's jaw clenched tightly, the fear of this place really sinking in to her.

"Don't worry about this Demi, I know a guard around here.. come on, let's see how this asshole likes a good confrontation." Pennsatucky said to her with a small look of frustration. Demi had a small nod before Suzanne carefully took her hands off of Demi.

In that moment, the three women had looked around, checking for Hellman's whereabouts. When the three deemed him a safe enough distance away, they wondered the prison, gathering their thoughts on what the would tell this guard, and how they would approach them.

"We shouldn't be confrontational, because no one believes a confrontational inmate." Pennsatucky said to them with a shake of her head. Suzanne then beamed a smile and stopped them both. "Be polite!" She replied to the comment from Pennsatucky. Demi just smiled sweetly at Suzanne. She just found it nice to have someone so nice but she couldn't think of why she was in this place.

"I'll go have a quick chat with him.. He might come and find you Demi, so be prepared with a good answer..." Pennsatucky told her before she walked from the two women.

Demi looked at Suzanne, Suzanne looking back at her. "Come on.. lets...just sit down. Yeah?" Demi asked as she gently put her hands on her arms, leading her with her to sit down. Suzanne nodded as she complied, sitting down with Demi like planned.

Meanwhile, Pennsatucky had made her way to the guard she knew about. She approached slowly, indicating that she needed to speak with him.

"Heyo, Pete - you got a sec?" Pennsatucky asked, having to look up at him since she was shorter. The male looked down at her before nodding, "Sure." He simply replied before looking around at the others then back at her.

"Since you already know we have a new inmate here - I don't have to explain that part.. but baldy Hellman just threatened to make her life a living Hell.. if I'm correct, that's not on the job list for prison guards." Pennsatucky explained before glancing back to see Hellman walking around. She rolled her eyes before looking back at Pete, who had raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"Know why?" Pete asked - clearly listening carefully as his eyes caught the bald man in his sights. He then looked back down at Pennsatucky. "I think Demi might have heard him and another inmate speaking.. probably Badison... but that's no excuse, right?" She responded before shrugging - "He did technically push her for no reason as well. I also think Badison is up to some crazy shit." She finished before looking at Pete once again, hoping he'd sort something out.

"I'll look into it.. until then, make sure there is no confrontation with them whatsoever." Pete spoke before then giving her a pat on her back and walking away. Pennsatucky just grinned, walking off and back to Demi and Suzanne. "Well boom, its getting looked into." Pennsatucky said, lively as anything.

"Awesome..thanks Penn..." Demi said to her before giving that innocently iconic smile. Suzanne just looked at them both then her hands quickly grabbed Demi's arms. "We...should go get something to eat!" She suggested before looking up at Pennsatucky, who nodded and then at Demi who just gave her that small giggle and a nod. "Alright, food it is." Demi said to her before both girls stood up, then followed Pennsatucky to get food.

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