Meeting John Lakes

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        The first day of school is always the weirdest. Everybody panics. But for Annie it was weirder because she is a new student who came from Florida. So practically everyone knew each other, but her. But the weirdest part of the first day of school was that she had bumped into a really cute boy. She got pushed and fell down. He helped her get her books and when she looked up and she saw his face for the first time. He had kind blue eyes and messy black hair. He said, “Hi, I am John Lakes. What is your name?” Annie got up, but he never got her name because she took off running to her next class before she was late. She ran to her next class with her blonde braided hair is flying behind her. But little did I realize that John is in her class. When he walked into the room, she gasped. She looked down as quick as possible and pretended to read her book, but she was really thinking about John and how she never noticed  him before when they were all in class. “He is really cute. OMG, he is looking at me what should I do I am freaking out. Ahhh! He is coming this way,” Annie thought. He walked up to her and said, “Hi. I didn’t get to catch your name earlier,”

                Annie replied as some people looked at them talking to each other in jealousy, “Yeah sorry, I was going to be late for class. And my name is Annie Heart,”

                “Nice to meet you. I can’t help noticing that you don’t look familiar. Are you new here?” asked John as some girls stared at him with dreamy eyes.

                “Yes as a matter of fact I am a new student. I came all the way from Florida,” Annie told him while they still don’t notice the glaring eyes now on Annie.       

                “Ok, welcome to Rudolf High then. How is everything here?”

                “It is lovely, but I noticed the girls and the boys have to share a locker room together,”

“Yeah that is a problem especially for the girls they are very shy, but at least they have rooms where you can change,”

“Thank god. Can you show me where they are when we get there?”

“Sure. Just follow me,”

“Thanks a lot, John.”

                The bell rang abruptly and they walked out of the classroom to the locker rooms. Annie was singing on the way there and John just happened to overhear her. Wow she has a really good voice and a nice smile, but she must be very shy. I wonder if she will enter the school musical play. John thought as they walked along to gym. They came to a stop as they walked up to the door of the locker rooms. They went in and John showed her the changing rooms. Annie said her thanks and went in and changed. When she came out she saw John was all dressed and waiting for her to go upstairs to the gym. They walked upstairs while chatting about where the office, nurse, and bathrooms are. They also exchanged phone numbers.

Annie thought, “Wow this guy is really nice. Well he certainly nicer and cuter than the other kids that come here. I really miss my friends. They are all the way in Florida, but at least John is here. He is really cute.” John looked her way and she started to twirl her hair. She looked away before she saw her blush. Almost everybody had their eyes on them. All the boys in her old school liked her because she had blonde hair, blue eyes, and an attractive smile. It seems they all like her here too. John like the way she looked also, but he wasn’t going to tell her that.

Then John looked Annie’s way when she was staring directly at him. Annie quickly looked forward. They reached the gym and it was humongous to Annie. Annie stopped and stared with her mouth wide opened. John just walked on past her while he said, “You’ll get used to it,”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2014 ⏰

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