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Welcome to my first official Wattpad book. I would like to thank you for giving me a chance and tapping/clicking on my book. I've had this idea for about 2 years now, but I never figured out how to put it out on paper (honestly I was just too lazy to). I still have no idea how to do it, but I decided I will do it now. So please enjoy the story, vote if you enjoy a chapter, and add to your library if you are enjoying it. Thank you now let's get into the story.

Follow me @lilya3008 on Instagram for more info on the book.


August 22nd, 2029

I was outside my house watering my garden on a fine Saturday morning just before I left for class. I reached the front yard and started watering. When I was done, I was about to walk into the house when an old man started walking past, panting, he looked like he was in awful pain and was holding his left side, he turned and locked eyes with me. He started walking towards me, still holding his side, panting and wincing at every step. He finally reached me. He looked like a homeless man with thick dirty beard and torn clothes which looked like they were a different colour before the dusty brown that they were now.

"Sir, do you need help?" I asked. He gave me a toothy grin; his teeth were red, and blood dripped from his mouth. I gasped and took a step back. He took a step towards me. Something told me to run but I just stood there.

"Perfect" he said still grinning. He slid a dirty bag off his back and took out two dark journals, handing them to me.

"Tell the world about this, in anyway you can, don't let any other person find these" he said "okay?" he asked.

I looked at him puzzled but nodded. He smiled

"My name is Kennedy Amar, remember it' he said, turning around to spit some blood on the floor. I ran into the backyard and hid them in a tiny box in the shed. I went to the kitchen to get the man a bottle of water because he looked awful. When I went back to the front yard, the man was sprawled on the ground, I ran towards him and checked to see if he was breathing...he wasn't! there was no pulse either. I quickly called an ambulance and five minutes later, they were there.

Policemen pulled up in front of my house. They asked me about the journals, but I acted like I knew nothing. They searched the house and I ended up not being able to go for class. When everything was over, and my home was left to the comfort of myself. I went back to the shed to get the journals. What was so special about two books a homeless man was carrying around? I lay in my bed and opened the book. A note was stuck to the first page.

Thank you

-Kennedy Amar

I turned to the next page

Journal 1: Chapter1...

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