An Eye For An Eye #BeingGandhi

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'Hurry up, Ved. We have a bus to catch,' said an annoyed girl.

'I know Meesha di. Why don't you go first? I'll join you in ten minutes.' suggested Meesha's younger brother, Ved. Her mother seconded him and told Meesha to go first.

Meesha agreed and opened the backdoor of her house. The front of the building was used as their office, so they were compelled to use the backdoor. The backdoor headed into a narrow street that further joined the main road. Meesha unlocked the door and stepped out on a three-stairs staircase. Abruptly, she saw three stray dogs standing few feet away from the last staircase; they were intently gazing at her.

From the corner of her eye, she noticed a long rod lying on the first rusty stair but she didn't take it. Rather, she courageously took two steps ahead, believing that she can noiselessly walk from the other side of the dogs. She was going to take another step when suddenly the dog nearest to her growled loudly, his eyes burning in hers.

Horror filled Meesha's eyes as she stared at the heavy black dog. She gave an ear-splitting shriek and dashed towards the door. She was not in her senses and didn't apprehend when she tripped on the staircase, her knees prickled and warm blood spewed out of them.

Hearing Meesha's outcry, her mother and brother came out and gasped inaudibly upon inspecting Meesha's condition. They promptly took her in and looked at her quizzically.

Apparently, her shriek was so intense that even her grandmother, who was fast asleep in the hall upstairs, was able to hear it. Even the large dog was taken by wonder on hearing her loud shriek.

Meesha calmed down a bit and narrated the order of events to her mother. Her mother asked her a question which was nudging her for a while, 'Why didn't you pick up the rod to scare them away Meesha? You should have picked the rod and frighten them away. Oh Meesha! How can you be so irresponsible?' sighed her mother.

Meesha replied, 'Mother, I know that what I did a few minutes ago accounts for silliness as the dog could have attacked me and I am also aware of your caring attitude towards me. But mother, I believe that when we can resolve things by peace then why should we apply violence? Or simply because they could've attacked me doesn't imply that I should've attacked them first, right? As Gandhi Ji said, "An Eye for An Eye will make the whole world blind." I know that dog. He snarls at everyone but he has never harmed anyone, mother. Truly, I was fearful. But I was not subjugated by hostility or malice. I sincerely believe in Gandhi Ji's one of the foremost teachings - Ahimsa. And I strive to follow it firmly, may what come.'

Her mother was speechless.
We are being human but are we Being Gandhi? #BeingGandhi

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