I Thought You Loved Me (the mortal instruments)

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It was a quiet night at the Institute, the only sounds being the patter of raindrops against the roof and windows, and Jace’s footsteps. He walked into the kitchen and headed toward the fridge. When Jace opened the fridge he sighed. It was empty again. He would have to remind Maryse to get some more food.

Jace started walking back to his room when he heard a loud noise outside. It sounded like a demon wailing. Quickly, he ran to his room and grabbed Sandalphon, then ran to the doors of the Institute. What Jace saw when he opened the doors was both surprising and normal. It was a girl, with her long hair in the grip of a demon. The girl looked to Jace with fear and fierce determination in her eyes, he noticed. Suddenly the girl stomped on the demons foot and the demon howled in pain. She broke away and he knew what to do next. He ran forward quickly and stabbed the demon in its heart while missing a blow from the demon. But while the demon was dying, it swiped again, raking its claws against Jace and the stranger. Its claws tore through Jace’s shirt, but it only left shallow cuts. He wasn’t bleeding too badly. I’ve got to get her inside, he thought while looking at the girl who was pale and had far worse injuries than him.

The girl started wobbling and falling to the ground. Aw shit! Jace thought. He lunged forward and grabbed the girl under her arms to prevent her from falling all the way down and cracking her head. “Who are you?” Jace asked. The girl opened her eyes, a violent purple, and gave him a weak smile. “Alex,” she said before passing out in his arms.


            Maryse was in her office, thinking, when she heard Jace yelling for her. Two seconds later, the door opened and Jace walked in, half-carrying, half-dragging a girl. “What the hell, Jace? What happened?” Maryse yelled. “It doesn’t matter yet. We have to get her to the infirmary. She was injured by a Eidolon demon,” was his reply. “Help me carry her there Maryse.” “Okay, but couldn’t you have normally carried her by yourself?” “Yes,” Jace said with visible irritability, “but the demon injured me too, or haven’t you noticed? Now come on, we need to hurry up.” Maryse stood up and ran out from behind the desk to help Jace. She grabbed her and thought if she were standing up she’d be as tall as Isabelle. “Lets go.” They turned and headed out the door to the infirmary.


            Clary yawned and opened her eyes. It was dark in her room, but she could she light seeping out of the curtains. She got up out of bed and yanked the curtains open. Sunlight flooded the room, illuminating it and Clary’s face, giving her a bright glow. “I’ll be back my dear sunlight, I have to get dressed,” she said while walking towards her dresser. She opened the drawers and decided on a simple green tank top and a pair of denim cut-off shorts, knowing she wouldn’t be training today.

            In the bathroom, Clary stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself. As she turned to get her hairbrush, she looked in the mirror. People used to say I looked like my mother and I couldn’t see it. They still say it, and now I can see it. I really do look like my mom, like Jocelyn, she thought.

            Clary finished getting dressed and walked back into her room. “Ah sunlight, how I love you,” she thought out loud. “I just hope you don’t love sunlight more than you love me,” a familiar voice with a chuckle. Clary whirled around, knowing exactly who it was. “Jace, hi,” she said walking towards him and locking her arms around his waist. “Hey there, excited to see me? It was only what, twelve hours ago?” Clary smiled up at him and said “I’ll always be excited to see you. I love you, you know. If I had to choose between a world with sunlight and no you, or a world with you and no sunlight, I’d always pick the latter. Because I love you and you’ll always be my light in the dark.” “I love you too Clary,” Jace replied, his eyes sparkling. He bent down to kiss her and she rose up to meet him, moving her arms from his waist to around his neck. He was so tall and she was so short, even when she was standing on her toes, he still had to bend down slightly to reach her. Despite their height differences though, they fit together perfectly, Clary knew that, knew it in the soul of her heart.  Suddenly, Jace picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist while walking towards her desk. He set her down and Clary gripped the front of his shirt pulling him closer. His tongue slid in to her mouth and she could feel both of their hearts beating faster.  Her blood was pounding in her head and she felt as if she were on fire. Like an intense passionate fire was burning in her, radiating from her heart and from her core. Jace made a growling noise in the back of his throat and Clary felt his whole body vibrate from it. They both pulled away from each other at the same time, gasping for breath. Clary and Jace stayed like that for a while, staring into each other eyes, silent and breathing hard. Jace was the first one to speak, “I love you.” “I love you too,” she replied. “I have to go check on something, but I’ll try to be back as soon as possible.  Okay, Clary?” “Sure, but just out of curiosity, what are you going to check on?” “Well, I was up late last night and I went to the kitchen to get a snack. When I was coming back I heard a noise, so I grabbed one of my daggers and went outside. There was a demon there and it was attacking somebody, a girl, and from the looks of it probably a shadowhunter. I attacked the demon and she helped me. It got us though before it completely died. I came out of it with a minor injury but she didn’t fare as well. So I had to take her to the infirmary because I knew an irazate wouldn’t work. And now I want to go check on her and find out who she is.” “Oh. Okay. Just another quick question, can I come with you to see her?” “Sure, if you really want to.” “Okay! Just let me get down from here.” Clary hopped down from the desk and stepped next to Jace. Their hands twined together naturally as the walked down the halls of the Institute towards the infirmary.

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