chapter 2

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(Date night)

August calls redd

August;Hey what's up

Redd:Nothing what chuu want?

August: that date

Redd: oh yea where u taking me

August: How about red lobster and i hear the food is great up there

Redd:mmmm and expensive too but alright!

August:tonight at 9pm then

Redd:ok cool

Alicia:( screaming) omg i can't believe august alsina asked  u out and you don't even like him that has been my dream for so long !

Redd:don't worry alicia we not gonna do anything except eat

Alicia:ok fine you better not and Don't dress very slutty either!

(later that night)

august:hey u look beautiful

redd dressed in a short red dress that shows off her cleevage and august dressed up in full white pants and white and blue  sleeve shirt with white hat not exposing his tattoos too much!

Redd:thanks you look great your self too

August: so tell me redd why u don't like a nigga like me

Redd:beause nigga like u are players and wants just sex

august: (smiling)ok i alright i won't judge but not all niggas like that tho

Redd:oh really and why is that

August:cause that all guys will just see a beautiful girl ask her on a date buy her expensive dinner and tell her how beautiful she is everytime he see her!

Redd:ok u right

waiter comes

August:order anything u want princess

Redd:(smiling)don't mind if i do

They whole night they lauge he complimented her and had fun

August:i guess its time to go

Redd:yea we have been here for 3 hours now i think the we the only people left

August :so what do u think about me so far

Redd:i think your cute

August:how bout another date

Redd:ok i had fun

she gave him a kiss on the cheek

Redd:bye august


she can't believe she feels like she developing feeling for august

if u like this like and c omment chapter 3 be up tomarrow

august alsina sex,love,tattoosWhere stories live. Discover now