bonus 16 : Tanjiro playing the pocky game (Headcanon)

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Requested by ModestRune ! I'm sorry it took so long but I was crawling under requests, like I am now- 

I'll be dealing with Muzan requests later ! I have three of them, I'll combine them so everyone is happy I promise.

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❀ When he saw you arriving with a mischievous smile, he had no idea what kind of shenanigan was under your sleeve. Yet, that was one of the many things he liked about you : your ability to surprise him and get him to agree to whatever you wanted. After all, you were his most precious treasure, his little princess, what could he say no to ? 

"I want to play the pocky game. With you. " he heard your delicate voice echoing through his ears. In a trance, he agreed, not having any idea what you were referring to. But still, he trusted you with his life : this couldn't be too bad.

❀ So, you had to go over the rules, explaining him what was the game about. For the entire time you spoke, he was diligently taking mental notes just like he was learning how to master total concentration breathing. He took it very seriously, he didn't want to disappoint his treasure after all. His composure would be quite heartwarming, his back straight as he was properly facing you, his hands resting on his knees as he used them as a chair ; he really was willing to give his all.

❀ However, it would be a lie to say he wasn't nervous. When he understood that this game was meant for both of you to be close, he could feel blood reaching his ears. Oh, poor boy would have a hard time covering the delicious cherry tone embracing his gentle features, and it would be even harder to ease his racing heartbeat. The mere thought of having your heavenly breath tickling his nose sent his heart dancing through endless valleys. 

❀ He couldn't stop his eyes from directing themselves towards your luscious (lips color) lips as you drew the first pocky in between them, parting them ever so slightly, time stopping to be apart of that scene. 

" (First Name) looks so beautiful" he would think, almost forgetting he had to bite on the other end, remembering he had to do so when he caught you pocking his lips with the end he was supposed to take.

❀ When he finally did, he would feel like the pocky connecting your lips to his was infinite, and at some point, he wished to go above the rules and give yours a peck he truly wanted to offer. But he was a man of education, and going above the rules was something he would never do. Therefore, each time your lips finally drew closer to the point they would touch, he would gently bite onto the stick before his lips would meet yours, in order to "win the game", his cheeks colored by an even bolder cherry tone, his eyes averted their gaze on the side so they wouldn't meet your (eyes color) ocean.

❀ But clearly, he saw how upsetting it was for you after all of the pocky sticks you used. He could clearly see your cheeks slightly huffing each time he would have the winning bite, knowing full well you were pouting. 

"You're not fun, Tanji."

Tanjiro was not oblivious or dense (at least not that dense), but he was respectful of your boundaries and intimacy, even though he was your partner. He thought that if you wanted a kiss, why not asking for one ? 

So this was the final stick, and he was determined to give you what you wanted.

❀ He bit the stick ever so slowly, embracing the way your breath tickled his own lips, caressing his features in an inviting dance to beg for more. He finally let go of the rules to embrace the real essence of the game : the intimacy conveyed and created only for you two. He even moved his face a bit forward, clearly making a statement here : he finally understood what you wanted. 

So when he felt you having the last bite of the pocky, he didn't move his face away and let his lips peck your own, making your eyes widen a bit from the surprise and bold gesture you longed for : if you wanted to eat pocky sticks, you would have done that without him, but clearly, this game was just a way for you to get him to be a bit more casual and loving, which he finally understood.

❀ He would put his arms around your form while he gave you that chaste peck, embracing how blessed he was for he had found you and your foolish shenanigans.

" If you wanted a kiss (First Name)-chan, you just had to ask. I would never say no to it. " he teasingly yet seriously stated, his breath tickling your face as you moved closer to earn another, when you were stopped by him saying.

" Though I have to declare myself as the ultimate Winner. "

❀ This game would probably end up in you two laughing and having the sweetest time together, you two innerly thanking the skies for they have brought you two together.

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