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Jungkook P.O.V

I sat at my desk, staring out of the window in the back of the class still thinking of the text that Taehyung sent 2 days ago.

I wasn't even paying attention to what was happening because all that I could think about was the text message.

I still couldn't believe he was worried about me and called me beautiful.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Mr.Lou call my name.

"Y-yes sir",I said and turned to see the entire class staring at me including Taehyung and Namjoon.

"I said what is the answer to number 21 in the packet Mr.Jeon",Mr.Lou asked rolling his eyes.

I looked down at the packet and saw that I wasn't even on the right page because I spaced out.

"I don't know sir",I said quietly.

" Of course you don't.Pay attention Jungkook ",he said and turned back to the board and started writing the equations.

The class giggled a bit and turned to face the front again except for Taehyung.

His eyes lingered on me a bit longer.A look of disappointment on his face until he turned back to the front making me scoff.

I don't understand why he looked so disappointed.It's not like he could answer the question either even if he was paying attention.

After 20 minutes the bell rang for us to have our free period.

I quickly packed up my things and walked out of the classroom, making sure to bump into Taehyungs shoulder as I left.

I was walking to my locker when Jin walked up to me, a big ass smile on his face.

" Jungkookie, guess what? ", he said, pure happiness in his voice.

" What? " , I asked, not in the mood to actually care.

"Sooo, Namjoon and I have been talking since the party and we've hooked up...then he asked me out so I said yes", Jin said smiled, looking at me for a reaction but that smile quickly fell from my response.

" Are you fucking kidding me?! You're dating the enemy! ", I whispered yelled,my face red with anger.

"Enemy? Jungkook you said you forgave him", Jin said, clearly confused.

" I only said that because he was hurting from that other guy. You both got cheated on so I just let that shitty apology be. I don't forgive him Jin. But I'm a great actor aren't I", I said  a bit louder, slamming my locker shut.

"B-but I really like him...", Jin said quietly

" You like him? ", I asked, laughing sarcastically

" Did you forget that he bullied you for almost five years? For your sexuality when he's also gay. What type of bullshit is that? Are you really that dumb? ", I asked, not even thinking about what I was saying until I seen Jin's face fall, his eyes glossy from holding back his tears

" T-thats mean K-Kook"

"Mean? By telling you that it's wrong to date him? Telling you that you shouldn't date his sorry ass? He's probably only dating you because he's hurt Jin. He's done terrible things to you, Chim,and I but I'm the one being mean"

Jin looked down, not sure what to do or say.

"I-Its my life", he mumbled

" You're right, it is your life. So go ahead and ruin it by dating that prick. Go ahead and date him. Now you're the enemy " , I said, glaring at him

"Kook don't do this..you're making a scene..", he said and motioned to the people staring at them

" I'm your hyung Kook. You shouldn't talk to me like that. This is my decision", he added and wiped away a tear that fell.

"Fuck you and fuck your decision. Namjoon the enemy or me. End of discussion", I said before walking away, ignoring Jin's calls for me.

I walked out to the court yard and ran into Jimin.

" Oh, hey Kook", he said with a smile and I glared at him

"You like Yoongi right? Or was it Hoseok? Maybe both so fuck you too traitor", I said and Jimins jaw dropped from what I said , not expecting it.

I just walked past him to my usual spot under a tree.

I grabbed my sketchbook and started to doodle in it.

" Everyone's so fake. Just fucking fake", I mumbled to himself, praying that I could make the rest of the day without seeing Jin, Jimin, or the other four assholes.

After I while I packed up my things and decided I was just going to skip.

I pulled my phone out and called the only person I knew would get my mind off of this entire situation.

"Hey, can you meet now Gyeomie? I'm on my way home and I need you", I said once he answered.

" Sure hyung. What do you need? ", Yugyeom asked

" You. Right now all I need is you", I said quietly.

I could almost hear him smirk.

"I'll be there in five baby", he said and hung up


Third P.O.V

Jungkook panted heavily, whining softly when Yugyeom pulled out of him and peppered kisses all over his face.

" You okay? How was it? ", Yugyeom asked and laid beside Jungkook.

" I'm alright and it was amazing as usual ", he answered, laying his head on Yugyeoms chest.

" Good", Yugyeom said and leaned down to kiss him only for his phone to start ringing.

He pecked Jungkooks lips and picked up his phone, "It's my step brother", he said and answered it.

" What do you want?...You locked yourself out of the house?...You're a fucking idiot hyung. I'll be there soon", Yugyeom said and hung up while Jungkook giggled softly.

"I gotta go. My dumbass brother locked himself out", Yugyeom said and put his clothes on. He then went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water for Jungkook and painkillers. He came back after a few minutes and set them on the nightstand

" Well thanks for showing me a good time as usual Gyeomie", Jungkook said took the painkillers, drinking some of the water

"Of course baby", Yugyeom said and pecked Jungkooks lips. " Just call me whenever ", he said and grabbed his things, blowing a kiss to Jungkook who quickly caught it and placed it on his lips with a smile.

After Yugyeom left Jungkook laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling.

Jungkook had fallen for him and he had fallen hard.

Unlike his best friends though he didn't fall for the enemy.


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