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The mission at the Tokyo Casino had been a long one, to say the least. You blearily recounted the blurred events of the night, as you walked with your friends back into the school grounds. From the constant machine gunfire you had to deal with, to the quest of finding Ifrit's heart and the crazy encounter with Tsathoggua on the 48th subfloor... in a shrine floating in outer-freaking-space... no wonder your body, much less your brain, felt like it got hit by a train several times over.

"Whoo! What a night!" You hear Kengo punch his fist into his open palm. Unlike your slightly hunched, staggering form, Kengo was walking upright, full of energy. You glared at his back - not out of malice, but a tired irritation at how much energy he had compared to you. "I needed a night of excitement like that, after all those boring days at school."

"If only you would apply the same level of vigour towards your studies." Shiro huffed, removing his spectacles. He procured a small cloth from his pocket and began to wipe them clean. "At this rate, you'll be in for a painful study sleepover in the upcoming Summer holidays."

"Can you give the study lecture a break?" Kengo groaned, cracking his knuckles and his neck. "We already had a long night, and I doubt you'd really want to be thinking about that right now."

"Come on, let it go, Class Rep." Ryota patted Shiro's shoulder, calming him down. Shiro exhaled sharply through his nose, and let Kengo's bad study habits slide once again. He returned his glasses to his face. "Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what Choji made for dinner tonight!"

"Haven't you had enough food for tonight?" You yawned. "Surely you tasted some in the kitchen?"

"I actually barely got to try anything!" Ryota cried, sadly sucking on his lollipop. "There was just so much to do, what with the plating up and the mission!"

"Fair enough, I suppose." You hum, before smacking your lips. You actually didn't really get to enjoy your meal much either. "I'm glad we all got out okay tonight. I didn't think it was...", you felt yourself get lightheaded. "Ever.. gonna.. end..--"

"Woah! Careful there, guild master." Shiro caught you as you tripped on a part of the concrete footpath. You staggered to your feet and he looked you over with concern. "You've had a long night tonight. Please, let me help you."

Tensing a little from the sudden interaction and closeness, you jolt yourself awake to some low level of consciousness, enough to say, "N-No, I can make it." You averted your gaze when Shiro looked at you, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. "I-... I can."

"Oh, guild master...", you heard Shiro sigh. "Kengo, Ryota, feel free to go on and grab some supper. I'll escort our esteemed guild master here to the dorms. I'll... likely pass on a meal as well."

"Are you sure, Class Rep?" Ryota asked. "Want us to save you guys some, at least?"

"I think we're too quite tired to bother, but thank you for the offer." Shiro smiled, reassuring his friend. "Enjoy the food, you two."

"Sure thing. We will! I can't wait!" Ryota and Kengo grinned to each other. The four bid their goodnights before they split ways. You felt yourself sway, and you grabbed your head, closing your eyes. You re-opened them upon feeling your companion's arm wrap around your shoulders.

"I-It's not time to sleep yet - we're almost there." You both began slowly walking to the dorms, and you softly sighed.

"Thank you, I..." You grabbed Shiro, feeling your knees buckle a bit. "Ugh..."

"Please, a-allow me..."

"Wh-Whuh...?!" You suddenly felt yourself being hoisted up, carried bridal style by him. "S-Shiro, I'm too heavy, y-you can't--"

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