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Hello there!

This is my first time creating a bunch of one-shot stories. So please, if I'm doing something wrong, feel free to comment it!

Requests are open! I will pick some of them if it's really unique and good ;)

To send a request, you can either message me here on wattpad or dm me on twitter: @narrysdabest and/or comment on one of the one-shots that you have sent a request to me!

BUT! I will not use your name as the main protagonist on that one-shot!

[wrong: "I love you so much, Angela!"]
[correct: "I love you so much, (Y/N)!"]

I will only use:
(which all means "your name"), so everyone can feel the short story. But, to give credits to you (who sent the idea), I will dedicate you or mention you in that one-shot!

And by the way, if you want.. You could read my story which is - "My Superior" ;)

And may I remind you that some of these are a bit cliché.. sorry, that's why I want you to request your unique ideas!

Anyways, enjoy reading!

(Call me "Angela-chan" please~? :3)


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