About me

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Hi my name is Jaidyn Dae I'm 14 years old and I live in Los Angeles, California I'm not an interesting person at all just a normal 14 year old I have light brown hair and hazel eyes I'm a fair height of 5'3 and I'd rather not say my weight.... I'm literally never off of my phone Twitter is my life anyway I live with my Beautiful mother and father I rarely see my Dad because he's always at work. I also have a brother his name is Jack and he's also 14.. Yep where twins but we don't look Alike at all where kinda close but he's always at football that's his main priority.

Today is Thursday and I'm super bored I've been spamming Cameron Dallas all day for a follow but he'll never see it so whatever as I was tweeting him again my phone began to ring it was My friend Makayla I picked up
"Are you serious!!!"
"Jaidyn I don't know what to do ahhhhh"
"I'm so happy for you congratulations"
"Thank you I've been trying all day but um I'll text you okay bye"
I hung up.. Are you serious Cam followed her ugh this is so annoying.. My mom called me to her room
"Yes mom?"
"No going to a friends house after school a scouts coming to watch your brother play tomorrow and you need to show him support"
"Ughh fine I hate going to his games though because you make me sit with you and Dad when I can just hang out with friends there"
"You need to show your support for your brother now go get some sleep I love you"
"Okay, I love you too goodnight"
Goodnight sweetheart"
And with that I went to bed🌙💤

----------------------------------------------I have no idea what I'm doing, this chapter is super short and boring sorry this is my first "fan Fiction" so it'll probably be bad😁

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