Best "Friends" pt. 1

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It was a hazy summer evening in the leaf village. Sasuke was in a tall tree on the outskirts of the town, thoughts intertangling with the branches. He was so lost in thought that he didn't sense the other ninja sneaking up to him.

Sasuke felt strong arms wrap around his neck from behind. "GHA!" He jerked away and turned to face his opponent, ready to strike at any moment. That was until he saw the face in front of him.

Bright cerulean eyes, yellow hair in a spiky mess, it was none other than his 'best friend' Naruto. Though he was more like a nuisance, or an adorable dork. Wait what?

"What do you want, dobe?" Sasuke sighed, brushing his hair out of his face.

"Oh, nothing," Naruto flashed a smile and shrugged his shoulders. "Well actually, I was wondering if you were down to spar, just like the good 'ole days."

Sasuke though about it. He did enjoy beating Naruto's ass. But he's a lot stronger than he used to be back when they were kids. Whatever, it beats sitting bored in a tree. "Sure, why not?" He hopped down to the ground, Naruto a second behind him.

"So, when are we gonna-" Sasuke started, but was abruptly cut off when the blond ninja rammed into him, knocking the breath out of his lungs. "Asshole!" He shouted, pulling Naruto back by his jacket.

Naruto turned around and before he could react Sasuke had him pinned to the ground, hands above his head. "Not so tough now are you, dobe?" Sasuke smirked, not letting up on his grip.

Naruto wiggled out from under Sasuke, slightly flushed. "Hah, I'm just going easy on you, teme." He smiled and formed a hand sign. "Shadow clone jutsu!"

Suddenly Sasuke is surrounded by six of Naruto's shadow clones. He looks around for an escape but before he can move a clone grabs him around his waist from behind.

"Not so tough now, huh, Teme?" Another Naruto comes forward and runs a hand through Sasuke's silky black strands while grinning wickedly.

Sasuke couldn't tell which one was the real Naruto. Fucking BASTARD! "Let go of me or I swear I will end your life!"

The shadow clones disappeared and Sasuk was left with the real Naruto who was standing three feet away from him. "Don't threaten me with a good time." Naruto winked at the raven haired ninja.

"oh fuck off, I'm not fighting with you anymore." Sasuke huffed and turned away.

"You call that fighting?" Naruto laughed. "Normally you would shred my ass. What's gotten into you, are you sick or something?"

Sasuke tried to ignore the comment, growing hotter by the minute. But of course the blond kept pestering him.

"We can still hang out and not fight, you know?" Naruto approached him again.

"Why would I want to do that?" Sasuke rolled his eyes internally.

"Because I thought we were friends?" Naruto looked hurt, though he tried to hide it.

Sasuke felt bad for being harsh, though he would never admit it. "Fine, what do you want to do anyway?"

"Maybe we could go for a swim? It's pretty hot today." Naruto suggested. "OR we could go get some RAMEN!"

"What's up with you and ramen?" Sasuke complained. "Have you ever tried a fruit or vegetable in your life?"

"There are vegetables in ramen!"

"Not enough to count."


Sasuke gripped Naruto's sleeve and pulled him along beside him. "I know where we can go."

Naruto couldn't even imagine where the grumpy ninja might take him. Maybe he found a deep dark hole and was gonna throw him down it! And I thought I was unpredictable.

"Soooo..." Naruto started. "Where exactly are we going?"

"You'll find out soon enough." Sasuke answered, refusing to give more information.

"Can you at least give me a hint?" Naruto begged, doing his best puppy eyes.

Sasuke could hardly resist. "No." He said firmly, hand still clutching Naruto's sleeve.
"We are almost there, but I want it to he a surprise, so I'm gonna need you to close your eyes."

"Okay!" Naruto knew he was gonna peak anyway but he could at least-wait what? Sasuke had tied his forehead protector around his eyes so he COULDN'T look even if he wanted to. "Dammit Sasuke!"

Sasuke laughed internally. "I knew you would look if I didn't, you brought this upon yourself dobe." Sasuke lead Naruto to his secret hideaway in silence. The walk was about five minutes, and he could tell Naruto was itching to remove the covering from his eyes. "Okay, take off the blindfold and take a good look.

Naruto practically snatched the headband off and his eyes widened in amazement. "Wow! How did you find this place?!"

It was part of the river that ran through the village, no doubt. but he had never seen this part of it. There was a 30 foot waterfall that cascaded to a large, deep pool of crystal clear water. then the current kept flowing into the river. It truly was a sight to see.

"You find stuff when you go outside and look."

"No shit, teme." Naruto said sarcastically. "Well what are we waiting for? Are we gonna swim or not? I feel like I'm being cooked alive in this heat!" The blond did not hesitate to start stripping down, all the way to his bright orange boxers. Before Sasuke could even remove his shirt, Naruto had jumped into the water with a huge splash, getting the other ninja almost completely soaked.

While Naruto frolicked happily in the water, Sasuke looked like a mad wet sitting hen on the bank. "Nice one, dobe." He set his wet clothes on a branch to dry. "You better hope my clothes dry out before we leave or you are so totally getting your ass kicked." He slowly waded into the water and sank in with a sigh of relief.

(a/n: next chapter is entirely smut)

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