great feeling

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4 days later

today me melanie and diggy are going to Justin's family house , although ive met his mum already im still quite nervous , but im going with melanie and dig so its all good and on the brightside we got on along so i dont think i have anything to worry about as much.

- in the car with justin-

j: dont be nervous you know my mum likes you 

YN: i know ... what makes you think im nervous anyways ?

j: - laughs- look at you your hands are shaking

YN: oh

j: you'll be fine

Melanie POV:

in diggy's car

its great that me and dig are going some where , ive been stressing a bit , i have so much work but i know it will all pay off one day. but i feel as if me and diggy aern't really in love any more it don't feel good, well i know we love eachother but it feels like all were doing is kissing , snogging and - well you get , my point.

d: whats wrong ???

m: nothing im fine

d: - reaching to kiss her - 

m: no , not now dig im not in the mood

d: what , whats come over you now , any other time it would be fine

m: well im not in the mood

d: oh i get it your on your time of the month

m: what eew no .. eerrg just no

d: ok


were all at justins house now , his sister opened the door , she is sweet 

madison: ooo you must be justin girlfriend 

j: shut up madison wheres mum

madison: shes in the kitchen 

j: ok 

- in the kitchen-

misa: heyy honey

j: hi ma , look who i brought with me

misa: heyy everyone

j: ma wheres christian , quincy and niqo

misa: there out with your father , god knows how long there gonna be , well dinner is still gonna be another 1 or so , so why dont you guys do something.

j: okay , guys come with me i know what we can do .

every body follows justin into the movie room or in his case the family cinema , it was huge 

j: what do you guys wanna watch weve got all sorts , oh wait how about avengers thats new

E/B: YES!!!

we all said in unison

i sat next to justin and melanie sat with diggy , now this was nice

with in 20 mins into the film

j: - tries putting his arm around YN -

YN: - giggles and notices and you lay your head on his shoulder

Mean while

Melanie POV

with in 20 mins of the film , i saw justin and YN cuddling up with eachother it was so sweet , I turned to diggy

m: aww look at them

d: yeah , oh i get it you want something like that

m: mmmm i dunno , surprise me

with that being said diggy and melanie had a make out session

misa: Dinners ready 

once Misa announced dinner is ready we all jumped up and ran down the hall way to get to the kitchen like kids.

we all sat at the dinner table and had fun with eachother

Justin's dad still wasnt here with his brothers

30 mins later we all finished dinner 

by this point we were getting ready to leave, Justin is such a mummy's boy but its so cute , we all said our good byes and thank you's to miss misa , she is so nice

melanie and diggy went staright back to campus , lil nasties lool, but justin said that he has some sort of surprise for me i had no idea what it could be 

20 mins later

j: were here ,

as soon as i saw where were i got so excited , to some people this wouldnt be that exciting but for me this is, we were at the beach , for me the beach is where i can have fun and have time for my self to think.Me and Justin were walking down the shore , hand in hand this was so sweet but eventually we came to a holt.

J: Yn - taking your hands- I knoe we've been going out with eachother for a short time but i want to make it official because i love you , YN will you be my girlfriend.

i stood there , my eyes getting a bit teary , no boy has ever confessed their love for me like that before , he is so sweet , my facial expression soon grew to a grin and i jumped up and hugged justin.

YN: of course i will , and i love you too - you pull eachother into a kiss

we continued our walk 

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