Kapitel 2

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Andy's Pov

(Vad hände förra gången)

''When they said that so started my phone ring, I took it from my pocket and looked who it was, I saw that it was Mikey that called..''

I excused myself and answered the phone

Me: Yeah?

Mikey: Where are you??

Me: I'm in the park with Sonny and his Childhood friend and her Little sister, why?

Mikey: you have been away very long now, look at the clock

Me: okey, be right back

I looked at the clock and it was 22:47 pm. Oh sh*t!

Me: I'm back

Mikey: Good

Me: And yeah I should drive home now, let me just tell Sonny, Linnea & Liza

Mikey: Who are th-..

I hanged up before he could finish his sentence and went back to Sonny, Linnea & Liza again and said that I had to drive back home.

Me: Guys, I have to drive back home

Sonny: Oh, sad, Can't we come along now then, So Linnea & Liza can meet the boys??

Me: Ermm, sure I guess that's okey

Linnea: Yeah, that sounds okey with me, we can have a sleepover maybe?

Liza: Yeah!

Linnea: I must call mum and ask if that's okey, be right back

Linnea's Pov

(Ma = Mamma)

Jag gick därifrån ett tag och ringde till vår mamma och frågade om det var okej.

Ma: Ja?

Jag: Du vet min barndomsvän Ryan?

Ma: Ja jag vet honom

Jag: Och du vet det där bandet jag och Liza brukar lyssna på?

Ma: Ja, kom till poängen

Jag: Jo, Ryan känner dom och vi träffade Andy idag med honom och vi undrade om vi kunde sova över hos Andy och killarna?..

Ma: Ja..Det är väl okej

Jag: Tack mamma!

Ma: Men ko-..

Jag läggde på innan hon kunde fortsätta prata mer, och gick tillbaka till Liza, Sonny & Andy

Jag: It was okey for our mum

Andy: Okey

Sonny: Okey, then we drive to the house

Liza: Yeah!

Vi gick till bilen och hoppade in och sen åkte

*Time skip till när de är vid huset*

Andy: We're here

Liza: It's much bigger when you see it in real life

Jag: I agree

Sonny: Yeah I know

Precis när vi hade gått in i huset så såg vi Mikey stå i köket

Mikey: Look who could come home

Andy: Yeah yeah, whatsoever, This is Linnea & Liza

Mikey: Hi

Liza & Jag: Hey

Mikey: Guys!! we have guests!!

Vi hörde fotsteg komma ner för trappen, och rätt som det var så var alla killarna här.

Killarna: Hi!

Liza & Jag: Hey

Rye: Sooo, what's your name

Me: My name is Linnea, and that's my little sister Liza

Rye: Nice to meet you

Andy: Okey, we are having a sleepover byee, come on guys

Jack: okeeey, bye?

Rye: weird..

Vi gick upp för trapporna och in i Andys rum

Andy: So, we have to bring out the air mattresses

Sonny: Yeah I can bring them out where are they?

Andy: they are in one of the cabinets downstairs

Sonny: Okey

Liza: I'm coming with you Sonny and help

Sonny: Okey, come'on then

Och då var jag själv här med Andy, okey vad ska jag göra nu då?

Andy's Pov

Now we just wait till they are back. I can check on instagram until they are back I guess. And on the corner of my eye I saw Linnea sit and check on her phone.

*2 minutes later*

2 minutes later and Sonny and Liza was back with the air mattresses.

Sonny: Here they are, Where do we place them?

Me: Place them there...


2 kapitlet, vad tycker ni en sålänge?

Sweet Dreams - Andy FowlerWhere stories live. Discover now