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A teeny little taste, in honor of Halloween.  Muwahahaha!  :) 


“You’ve already agreed to this,” Dublin reminded me as we headed down a random hall.

His voice was so low that I could feel the vibration of every single word in my bones. Any other day, I might have had the sense of mind to wonder why he felt the need to reiterate that. As it was, I couldn’t focus on much of anything.

 “You signed the contract,” he reminded in the same, ominous tone. “So …I will expect no tantrums or hysterics.”

He turned and I found myself inside a wide room, the contents of it made my mouth fall open. I vaguely remembered speculating once that he might have had a ‘torture’ chamber hidden somewhere within his lair. As it turned out, the thought wasn’t so funny after all.

At first glance, the room seemed bare to a fault; plain, sterile even. The walls were a dull shade of black and the floors were pristine, silver tile. It could have been something as innocent as an unused spare room if it weren’t for the drain cover in the middle of the floor and the chains hanging from the ceiling. Actual chains—long and silver—dangled from hooks to pool in neat piles, ready for use.

Looking at them, I couldn’t breathe.

The only other objects were a metal foot locker in the corner and a long, stainless steel slab, resembling one that might be found within a morgue—all within easy reach of those chains.

How …convenient. I might have crumbled into a puddle on the floor if Dublin wasn’t there beside me.

“What is this?” I heard myself croak instead.

My eyes darted around the room, too terrified to settle over one object for too long: sharp points, metal cuffs, convenient drain and all that silver raining down from the ceiling, waiting to ensnare me if I got too close. It looked like the lair of a serial killer.

“Restraints,” he explained in the same tone most might proclaim ‘the sky is blue.’ “I warned you. You will need to be—”

“Chained,” I finished for him. My voice shook. I had to suck in air just to find the strength to ask, “But why?”

I flinched in anticipation of the answer; you taste better that way? Because it’s standard vampire dining procedure? Because I said so?

He merely shrugged. With his back turned to me I couldn’t see his face, which made the impact of his next words all the more terrifying.  

“So that when you struggle, I don’t hurt you.”

I had to dig my nails into my wrists just to keep from hyperventilating. ‘Whenyou struggle.

“I can hear your heart racing,” he announced on a mirthless laugh. I blinked and he was in front of me, eyes burning. “What? Don’t tell me ... Has the brave Eleanor Gray finally realized how foolish she really is?”

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