Three Words

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Disclaimer: I won't pretend to be an expert about law stuff or police protocols. I'm not a cop, nor am I affiliated with one. All information displayed here are gathered from the internet. That's all. Enjoy! Or you know, prepare some tissues.

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"Hyejin-ah, why are we going home?"

Byulyi's drunken form was slumped against Hyejin's side; the former's arm wrapped around her shoulders for support as they slowly but steadily made their way across the bar. Hyejin scrunched her eyebrows in irritation as she tried her utmost best to concentrate on walking. Her feet had almost stumbled over a pair of shoes hazardously lying on the floor just seconds ago. If only Byulyi would stop murmuring against her neck, then perhaps she could focus enough to get them inside her car before the sun rose up.

Behind them, the celebration for another case solved was resuming. Their sergeant, Kim Yongsun, had already begun to hoard the karaoke machine, which was a clear indicator that they would no doubt see daylight inside that bar. The other police officers were either drinking to their heart's content or waging a war over the microphone. When Byulyi began to randomly scream affection over the speakers, Hyejin deemed her drunk enough to drag home.

Hyejin, on the other hand, was sober as a rock.

Since her partner had been pretty adamant on drinking, someone had to stay sane and drive them home for all of their sake.

Inwardly, Hyejin just didn't want to endure another round of teasing from her comrades the next morning for her unexpected weak alcohol tolerance. For a person with such bravado and bark like Hyejin, it was bordering on hilarious and pathetic just how easy she succumbs to liquor.

"It's still too early!" Byul drunkenly complained against her ear, nudging her nose against the cold skin of Hyejin's neck, and making all her hair stand in attention. "Why don't we celebrate more?"

"This unnie, seriously," Hyejin grunted. "You can barely keep your eyes open."

The only answer Hyejin received was a quiet snore. She sighed, an odd mixture of exasperation and affection overcoming her features.

Some days, Hyejin questions if she's truly the youngest officer in the precinct with how childish her seniors sometimes act.

With a grunt, she throws the car door open and carefully places her partner on the passenger seat. She takes the driver's seat and buckles both of their seatbelts on. Her blouse reeked of alcohol, sweat, perfume and that minty deodorant Byulyi liked to use, but it wasn't like she minded looking after her Byul.

Everyday out on cases they risk their lives with the only reassurance that they always had each other's backs after all. They look after each other in the most dangerous moments of their lives. Becoming each other's babysitters during a drinking session wasn't even worth noting amongst all the things they would willingly do for each other.

Hyejin sighs, her breath a soft smoke against the chilly air. She takes a moment to catch her breath, adjusts the front and side mirrors and then looks over to Byul one last time to check on her.

She really didn't mind looking after Byul, Hyejin thought again as Byulyi's hair softly fell over her face, her lips forming a small pout. Hyejin bit the inside of her cheek to prevent a smile from forming at the sight. She swept the hair over to the side of her unnie's face.

When Byul's eye brow furrowed in her sleep, Hyejin could no longer stop her smile even if she wanted to.

No, Hyejin thought, she really didn't mind at all.

It was already past four in the morning when they arrived at Hyejin's apartment.She aided a half-asleep Byul into her home and laid her down on the bed; chuckling affectionately at the sight of Byul comfortably snuggling into her covers as if it were her own home.

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