Chapter Seven

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After you all were done at the mall, you waved goodbye to a smiling Nejire and Yuuyu, who both asked if you had a way to get home. You just shrugged, telling them that you would figure it out. They both had frowned at the notion but relented when you insisted for them not to worry about it. So, with no way to get home, you ended up walking back to UA.

It was a pretty long walk, you noticed. You had to pull up the directions on your phone, and even then, it was still hard to navigate. You weren't even sure how you were going to get into the school. You pondered just that on your way there, praying that the staff entrance was open. By some stroke of luck, it was, so you used it to stalk through the halls and to Nezu's office.

You knocked on his door once before entering.

"Child, what are you doing here?" He squeaked when he saw who had entered his office. You shrugged, walking inside and draping yourself across the chair on the other side of his desk. He continued on at your lack of response. "Midnight was supposed to take you, was she not? Where did she go?"

"About that," you sighed. You hesitated in your response. You liked Midnight well enough, and you didn't want to get her in trouble if she'd truly needed to do something work related. Still, you decided honesty was the best policy. "She said she had to go do something and left me at the mall. I walked back here after meeting up with Nejire and her friend."

"She what?" asked a new voice, and you turned to see Aizawa strolling into the room. He explained that he'd seen you use the staff entrance and followed you to Nezu's office. Apparently, you'd been too fast for him to catch up to you.

You shrugged again, crossing your arms. "I figured that she had some hero stuff to take care of. Whatever it was, it seemed important."

He looked like he wanted to say something, but let it go with a sigh. "She's always- whatever. Let's go home, kid."

You nodded, waving goodbye to Nezu, who shuffled through some of his papers. He said his goodbyes, and you walked out of his office, following Aizawa to the car. The ride home was rather silent. After a few moments of the intense quiet, Aizawa had explained that he'd gotten your medication for you, so you wouldn't have to worry about missing any more days off it.

You'd thanked him, and he hummed before asking you, "What's it like living in a world without heroes?"

"Complete shit," you told him honestly. He motioned for you to continue, and you obliged. "Things are stressful. The police system is completely corrupt, and the education system is... less than reliable. A lot of people are homeless and don't have work." You paused for a moment, thinking. "I think it's a lot like this society- just without flashy people wearing costumes."

He sighed. "This place... it has its problems. What matters is that we're trying, right? My class has good students. People like them will be able to change the world. Hopefully, it'll make way for a brighter future."

You didn't have the heart to tell him that it wasn't how things worked. You'd seen good people get bested by the system before, and you didn't doubt that it happened here, too. From what you remembered from the manga, the hero commission was extremely corrupt- going as far as training literal children to work for them, brainwashing them into thinking that they were doing what was best for them.

In a way, you almost agreed with the villains of the story. You vaguely remembered the main villain's goal to tear down society to rebuild it from scratch. Maybe he was right in thinking that. The way things were now, you doubted that society was ever going to change. Perhaps they were simply incapable of doing so. By starting anew, people would be given a chance to reconstruct their lives. Maybe that wasn't so bad, after all.

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