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"I can't waut to see what Isayama-san's house looks like!" exclaimed Kazuto, pumping his fist in the air. "Maybe she'll invite me up to her room and... ow!"

Masato had punched him on the shoulder. "Stop google-eying my sister, pervert."

"Chill out, Masato. Rui-chan is way too cute for me to resist."

"Kazuto is the least of your problems at this moment, Isayama." Akari kept looking back on Sora who was trailing behind. "You have more important things to worry about."

His chin fell. Akari and Sora had forced him into letting them see Rui. Kazuto had just managed to tag along and everyone was too caught up with Masato's problem to turn him away.

"You can really crush a man's spirit, you know that," the boy complained. "But tonight I finally get to talk with Rui-chan and none of you are gonna stop me!"

"What should I say to her?" Masato completely ignored him. "She'll definitely be angry with me."

Akari took another look back at Sora. "I'm more concerned about how this'll turn out."

"Stop ignoring me, you two!" Kazuto shrieked. "What in the world are you talking about anyway?"

No one replied and for the next few minutes the group was only accompanied by the sounds coming from houses and their own footsteps. Kazuto was getting extremely upset but bis temper subsided when Masato stopped infront of a respectible house.

"You live here, Masato-kun?"

He nodded but for some reason couldn't make his legs move forward. "You know what, let's do this tomorrow instead."

"We're going now, Masato," Sora said blankly, having joining them. She took his arm and pulled him to the door, not caring whether he wanted to move or not. "Open it."

With much hesitation, he did what she said and they flooded into the dark living room. Normally Rui would have all the lights on but now the only light they could see came from the kitchen. "I'm home!" he announced before flicking on the lights.

Kazuto dropped himself on the couch, kicking his feet up on Mr. Isayama's coffee table. "This place is amazing, Masato. You should invite us over more often."

The girls soon followed him and in a moment Masato was the only one standing. "Can I get you guys anyth..."

"Maso-kun?" He spun around to see Rui, still dressed in uniform and an exhausted look on her face. "You didn't say you were bringing people home."

No one replied until Sora stood and invited Rui to sit with them. "Forgive us for the intrusion, but we need to talk to you about what happened today."

Instead, Rui moved closer to Masato and hugged him gently around the waist. "Tell them to go away."

Everyone exchanged glances with each other and a drafty silence washed over them and every stayed where they were until Sora stood. "We just want to talk."

Rui buried her face in Masato's shoulder. "I don't want to talk to you." Her voice was low and muffled, for a second she actually sounded like a really disappointed child.

"Hey, Isayama-san!" Kazuto was up from his seat and on the table, his hands at his sides, his eyes forced shut and his head hanging. "I really like you Isayama-san!"

Before letting his stupidity pollute the room, Akari pulled him down and smacked him on the head. "This isn't the time, idiot."

"Hey!" he yelled in his defence. "If you want to be by yourself all your life, go for it but I like Isayama-san!" He looked at Rui, his eyes shaking. "Well, do you feel the same about me?"

Rui hid behind Masato. "I'm sorry..." Her eyes shifted away from everyone. "But I can't be with you."

Kazuto's entire body started shaking. "W... why not?"

"I... I..." Her arms wrapped firmly around Masato and her voice rose. "I'm in love with someone else!"

No one said anything and for a second time they stayed in silence.

Masato took Rui's hands and pulled her before him. "Rui, you don't..."

"You're wrong!" the girl screamed without letting him finish. "Maso-kun, I love you and I won't let anyone keep you away from me."

Kazuto'd expression changed. "Wait Masato, was this why you didn't want me to talk to your sister?"

Masato opened his mouth to speak but Rui cut him off completely. "So what?"

Sora moved closer to her. "Rui-senpai, this is not right. You can't be together with Masato."

Rui frowned. "Who are you to tell me that?" She moved in front of Masato, shielding them from seeing him. "A girl who's trying to seduce another girl's lover and you think you have any right to tell me who I can't be with?"

"That's enough, Rui." Akari held Sora's hand. "We didn't come here to tell you that but do you really think your parents would allow such a thing?"

"I have no parents!" Rui screamed before falling to her knees and lowering her voice. "Not anymore."

Kazuto picked up his bag and headed straight for the door. "Masato..." he looked back to make Masato was looking at him. "Don't ever talk to me again, okay?"

They all watched him go of before Akari finally turned back to Rui. "They found out, didn't they?"

Rui didn't answer. "Just leave," she said, her voice shaking. "Leave us alone."

"But..." Sora started.

"Just go!" Rui screamed before running off.

Sora clenched her jaws then spun on her heels. "Look after her, Masato."

*sorry for taking this long but my free time between work and school is almost naught and I don't get much time to do other stuff*

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