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I was running, from what? I have no idea. I heard grunts from behind me. See now, I am hyperventilating. I run faster and faster.
" Get her, you fat asses" someone said from behind me ' well shit, I'mma die' I think to myself. The corner of my eye I see a metal bar connect to my face. My vision starts to fade. Before I do I saw four men standing around me.
My head jolts up when something wet and cold hits my face. I look around the room it was dark and I was tied to a chair. " FAN FUCKING TASTIC" I screamed at the top of my lungs. See I might need to take my inhaler before I start having an asthma attack. I didnt even notice that there was four tall men standing in front of me.
" Well,Well,Well what do we have here" One man said it looked like he had a man bun and brown eyes. The thing I didnt want happing, happened. I am having an asthma attack I wiggled around in the chair coughing. "Need this" Another man said holding my inhaler. He took a step closer with each step the more panicked I get. I got a good chance to look at his facial features. He had red hair but I know that it was originally brown. His eyes were electric blue eyes they were breathtaking.
"Your staring sweet cheeks" even though he had a mask I could tell he was smirking
"Give that back" I said trying to keep a straight face.
" Say please" he said ' The fuck, he and his friends kidnapped me and he wants me to say please'
" please, give that back" I said more annoyed
" that's better" The guy put the inhaler to my lips and I took my inhaler. I could feel my breath dial down.
"Thanks" I said while rolling my eyes
" No problem" He said walking away
"Okay, you are probably wondering why we kidnapped you" The guy with blond hair said ' No shit' I thought I shook my head as to say yes
" Well your dad owes us a lot of money, so until we get the money you'll be seeing us a lot" the same guy said ' well I'm fucked' I thought while putting my head down. I am sad but not that sad. My dad acts like I'm not even there. So he probably didnt pay them on purpose.
" mine as well tell you our names" Blondie said pulling me out of my thoughts
" I'm Sam" said the one with blond hair
" I'm Corey" said the one with the man bun
" I'm Jake" said the guy with brown hair fading into white hair
" I'm Colby" Said the one with electric blue eyes. For some reason I could stare of them forever. He saw me looking at him and smirked. I looked away.
"So what will I be doing until you get the money" I asked
" You, Y/n will be cleaning the house everyday but you will have a free day on sunday to do what ever you want" Jake said
" okay I am fine with that but I need somethings" The boys all looked at each other I continued
" Look if i am going to stay here for while I am going to need some stuff okay or do you want me to not do anything for you guys" I said raising my eyebrows. They might kill me after that last part but I dont care if they do or not.
" Fine, but no phone or anyway of contacting the cops.
" Okay, I need a room TO MYSELF, clothes, stuff like book so I don't die of boredom, and stuff for my monthly" I said
I don't like the fact that I am cleaning. See here is the thing I like cleaning when I am not told to do it. When I am asked to clean I feel like dieing.
" Okay, Colby will show you to your room and I will get my girlfriend to come over tomorrow to get you clothes and stuff" Corey said
Colby walked to the chair I was in and pulled out his pocket knife. I got scared but then I realized he is just going to cut the ropes off of me.
" I'm not going to hurt you sweet cheeks" he said that while I was standing up and looking away so he doesn't see me blush. He takes my hand and pulls me out of the room and into the hallway. The house was big and fancy I liked it. He stopped pulling me when we stoped infront of a door. " Here is your room and I put my tee shirt on the bed and some short because you dont have clothes, also my room is right across your room so if you need me just knock" Colby said
" Thank you Colby" I said while turning to look at him
" Sweet dreams princess" he said while smirking and closing the door
I looked around the room it was pretty the only down fall was the window had a cage around it. I'm guessing they though I was going to escape. I was tired so I jumped on the bed and laid down. The bed was comfy and the pillows were soft. ' well this is going to be a long couple of days' I thought right before I fell asleep.

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