Part 25

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"Another goal. Slytherin is in the lead!" I heard Lee Jordan yell through the microphone

I couldn't let them beat me. I was trying to watch out for the snitch but it was no where to be found. Once that goal was made I saw the Slytherin team fly right above me, I swear Malfoy tried to hit me as he flew by.

Suddenly I saw a bludger come right at my head. It then came back around and started following me. Why was it following me? I heard Wood yelling for me but I couldn't really focus with that thing following me everywhere I went. I raced around my broom trying to avoid it, but it wouldn't leave me be.

It starting hitting the stands and I could see Hermione screaming as I passed by. I had to get rid of it and find the snitch. Finally I caught a break.

"What are you training for Scarhead? The ballet" Malfoy yelled flying right in front of me

Before I could respond I saw the snitch right behind his head. I flew straight for it only for Malfoy to follow me. We raced around the field a both pushing each other trying to grab it. I nearly had it before that stupid bludger was back. It started knocking down post and nearing hitting people. What the hell is going on?

"You're not winning this game Malfoy!" I yelled as we both flew straight in the the stands.

I chased the snitch as both Draco and the bludger chased me. I heard the sound of wood breaking as it made it way under the stands. I had to lose it. Just by my luck it appeared in front of me. I dove downward and continued to follow the snitch.

I then looked behind me to see Malfoy was no more. I finally made it out of the stands and I nearly had the snitch in my hand, but that bludger started chasing me again. Something was obviously wrong with it. I held my hand out about to grab the snitch but the bludger hit my arm.

Damn it! I haven't felt this pain much pain in a long time. I'm pretty sure my arm was broken.

A broken arm didn't stop me, I chased the snitch but I lost my balance and fell right off my broom. I heard the crowd go silent as I laid in the sand. I then felt that small gold ball in my hand and held it up.

"Harry Potter has caught the snitch. Gryffindor wins!" Lee yelled

I heard the crowd yelling and I looked over to see Hermione clapping along with Neville. I sat up and held my arm not really knowing what to do next. I looked up and saw the bludger trying to get me again. I moved in the sand trying to avoid it but was very persistent.

"Finite Incantartum!" I heard somebody yell and the bludger then exploded

"Way to go Potter!" Wood yelled clapping with the rest of the team as the flew around me

Before I could get up I felt this person grab me by the neck. I knew it was Hermione because of all the hair in my face. She held me tightly until I lightly pushed her away so she wouldn't touch my arm.

"Oh Harry are you alright? I saw what the rouge bludger did to you. Is it broken?" Hermione asked placing her hands on my arm, I could the tears starting to form in her eyes

"Hey no tears. I'm fine. It is nothing but a broken arm, I'm sure Madam Pomfrey can fix it right up" I told her hugging her once again

Just then a few teachers and students came over to me.

"Potter let me look at your arm. It appears to be broken. Nothing that can't be fixed by a little magic" He said holding out his wand

"Please just take me to Madame Pomfrey. She can do it" I told him not really trusting his magic

"It's a simple fix. Now hold still it won't hurt....Brackium Emendo!" I casted, the pain in my arm instantly went away

Did he actually heal my arm? I tried to move my arm but I couldn't actually feel anything. I lifted my arm and it looked as though it was made of jelly.

"You were supposed to fix his bones, not get rid of them entirely" Hagrid yells

"Well that never happens? I'm sure Poppy has a potion to fix that right up" He says standing up and walking off

Hermione helped me stand and she walked me all the way to the hospital wing. I sat down on one of the bed and Hermione took a seat next to me.

"You will be alright Harry. Someone must of tampered with the bludger, it was probably Malfoy. But don't you worry I found a way to sneak into the Slytherin common room and find out. I will tell you after you're healed" She said quietly probably trying to avoid other people hearing

"Now you take this. It will regrow your bones over the next 12 hours. You will be staying in the hospital wing until it's done" She said handing me the cup

I took a drink and spit it out instantly. That is the worst thing I have ever tasted. I handed it straight back to her

"Well Harry what did you expect, Pumpkin juice?" Madame Pomfrey asked handing me the cup once again

I looked at both of them and realized I didn't have much of a choice, so I drank the whole cup. Hermione smiled at me and placed a kiss on my cheek. Is that my reward for drinking all my medicine?

"Well since you are here all day, I guess I can tell you my plan"


I was laying in bed trying to sleep, but I just couldn't for some reason. I turned over on my bed making sure my arm didn't move and looked at the bed next to me. Hermione somehow convinced Professor Dumbledore to let her stay the night in the hospital wing with me.

After staring at her for a while, I tried to go back to sleep but I suddenly felt something at the end of my bed. I sat up and I saw this elf standing at the end of my bed.

"Um....hello? Who are you?" I asked the small elf

"I be Dobby and Harry Potter shouldn't have come back. He will be in trouble!" The elf says loudly

"Shhh!" I told the elf, trying to avoid anyone from waking up but it didn't work

"Harry what's.....oh my goodness. You have a elf on your bed?" Hermione says getting out of bed and walking over

"He just showed up and told me I shouldn't have come back to Hogwarts" I explained to her

"You should've stayed home when you missed the train" The elf told me

"That was you! You did something to the barrier? You tried to prevent us from going to Hogwarts? Why would you do something like that?" Hermione asked nearly yelling at the house elf

"Dobby tried to stop you. The train and bludger didn't work" Dobby says sadly

"You nearly killed me with that thing!" I yelled at him

"Dobby is very sorry. He didn't mean to hurt Harry Potter. He wants to protect Harry Potter" Before I knew it Dobby started crying

I looked towards Hermione and I could see the sadness in her eyes.

"Harry house elves are treated as slaves by most. Some are treated terribly by their masters. Look at his hands. The poor thing" Hermione says

I remembered reading something about house elves, something about their freedom? I need to look into that.

"Dobby if you already have a master, why do you want to help me?" I asked him

"Terrible things are about to happen, history is repeating itself" I wanted to ask him what he meant, but he suddenly popped away

"What does he mean? What's going to happen?" Hermione asked me

Before I could respond I heard voices coming. Both Hermione and I ran to our bed and pretended like we were sleeping. I listened to the voices of Dumbledore and Mcgonagall talking about another student. Someone else must've been petrified? That mean it couldn't possibly be me.

I had a feeling Hermione was thinking the same thing.


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Also check out my new story Never Looking Back

Next Chapter: Polyjuice Potion

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