Chapter One

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Error's POV

I walked into the living room only to see Horror. "Hey wheres Radier?" I asked. Horror looked up from his axe, " close combat training with Cross and Killer.." he said as he looked back at his axe. " I just don't know why they even bother, I mean we have magic, close combat is pretty useless.." I said looking off in a random direction. Horror shot me a glare, "Ah, uh I don't mean it personally.." I said trying to apologize."Where's Nightmare?" Horror said bluntly. "He's off somewhere...probably sulking." I said triumphantly. "Sulking?" Horror asked quizzically, " Yeah he lost a bet, now he has to clean up all of Radier's destruction for an entire week." I said grinning. "Wow, good luck to him..." Horror said as he put his axe away, I laughed and teleported to the back of the mansion outside. The back yard...if that was what you would call it...was like the training field, and when I say training..I mean practice battles...occasionally wars where we would split into two different teams or more and just fight it out. I walked towards Cross, Killer, and my kid, Radier. " When attacking a person, never go for the obvious kill, okay?" Cross instructed, I watched as Radier nodded enthusiastically. " How's the training?" I asked. They all turned to me and Radier ran up to me. " It's been amazing! I got to attack Killer! I obviously won!" Radier said happily. I glanced at killer to notice a visible bruise on his face. " Punching people in the face with detachable extra limbs is cheating!" he said angrily, "nuh uh, not in battle!" Radier argued. I laughed a small bit and Cross looked very....whats the word.........proud? I shook my head "can't argue with that." I said with a smirk. Killer let out a protestant sigh, Radier turned his attention back to me, " So, when can I learn to use my special abilities??" he asked with eagerness. Radier......has this...very strange power, he could manipulate shadows, and even use them against people..he could even control sleep walking people...Dust learned that the hard way.. To be honest, I had been delaying his practice for it yes, but the power was just so....strange, I just had a bad feeling if he over used it or did something wrong something awful might happen. My strings for example..almost destroyed me one time during an episode, and with him, I just don't think it's a good idea.." Maybe later.." I said as I gave him a pat on the head. He moved in protest "you always say that.." he said upset. I gave him a understanding look. Cross getting the memo butt in, " Hey Radier, how about we go steal Killer's cookies?" he said. Radier lit up, " Yeah!" he and Cross ran off and Killer ran close behind to try and stop them.

No One's POV

Error watched them run off. "Boo!" Error jumped up in surprise as Nightmare started laughing. " It gets you every time" he said with a smirk. Error looked away blushing, " I thought you were off pouting.." Error shot back stubbornly. Nightmare scoffed, " I would never do such things." He said as he held an offended expression. Error rolled his eyes "uh huh...sure.." he said sarcastically. 

~ Time Skip cuz of Killer's Cookies~

Error's POV

Dream Starting .   .  .



I looked around, I was in some sort of grassy field, totally unfamiliar to me. I began to walk around, blue and white covered the sky, it was a perfect landscape. What a weird place..I looked around more, and then I heard....voices.

" You mean it?"


they sounded like voices of kids...but the last voice sounded even more familiar to me. I followed the voices and noticed two small figures off in the distance. I squinted my eyes, I let out a gasp as I realized the identity of one.

thats me!

I walked forward more trying to get a good look at both children, I looked at the younger version of myself. He wore red rimmed glasses and a black hoodie with blue to black shorts. I never had any memories of my was so weird to see me like this. I looked at the other kid sitting across from the younger me. It was a white boned skeleton, with a brown scarf and paint on hi-  I stopped in my tracks, as I hadn't noticed I had been continuing walking towards them. I knew who the other one was..........





Dream End .   .   .

I woke up and jolted up ward. I looked around, I was on the couch, and nobody else was in the living room. I must have fallen asleep..I thought to myself. I got up and walked up stairs to Radier's room. I knocked on the door, I heard a crash on the other side, already on alert after the dream I opened the door quickly to see Radier and what appeared to be a shadow frozen in place and a broken lamp on the floor. " What are you doing?" I said in a stern voice. Radier looked frantic " I was just practicing my abilities please don't be mad at me!" he said in a rushed voice. I sighed and gave him a stern look " just make the shadows go away and i'll go get your father to clean this up.." I said. Radier relaxed a little " Sure no problem.." I then watched as he tried to restrain the shadow, it didn't budge. Radier let out a nervous chuckle, I eyed him skeptically. He tried once more, the shadow on the wall began to sink the the floor and back to Radier. He let out a relived sigh, the shadow stopped when it was right underneath him, he looked at it questionably. The shadow grew into a large circle around him, realization hit me and I reached out to grab him, but the shadow was like a hole and I watched in horror as Radier fell through. I tried to use my strings but when they went inside the hole they scattered and I couldn't grab him. The hole then shut with a screaming Radier trapped inside it. I fell to my knees.! I began to cry.

~What lies beneath Shadows and Broken Promises~ (Has been Edited!)Where stories live. Discover now