Enlisting Some Help

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You walked to work thinking of her all day. You looked up her name on the internet. There was an article about her death, there was never a suspect in her case. No one ever came forward as a witness. No one knew anything about what happened to Lily. One of your work friends came to look at what you were working on so intently.

"Hey Sam what ya working on, you're so quiet?"

You close the tab you were working on right when he asked you.

"Oh hey Phil, um, it's nothing. I was working on the Johnson case."

"Sure. Yeah real convincing Sam. Now really what are you working on you can tell me." Phil asked you.

"Fine. I am looking at the unsolved murder of a girl I use to see on my bus home. You opened up the tab you were previously working on. Did you know what there was no one that saw anything. Can you believe that? Absolutely nothing. It is still a cold case. I want to find out what happened to her."

"Why are you so into this? You don't even know her, why waste your time?"

"It's not a waste of time! A girl died and I want to find out who did it. Now go back to your donuts Phil. I am trying to work okay."

"Okay, okay fine go back to your mini obsession."

You went back to your work. You found out the first cop on the scene. That cop is one of the ones that you know at the precinct. You decide to pay her a little visit to see if she saw or heard anything that she didn't put in her report. The littlest thing could lead to a clue. You get up to leave but are stopped by Phil again.

"Phil what are you doing I have to go do something." You say annoyed he won't let you go past him.

"Come on Sam you have to do some actual work today. Where are you even going?"

"None of your business Phil just let me leave. I'll tell the supervisor that I have to check a lead. I promise you won't get in trouble if you let me go right now."

"Fine but you better be back before your lunch break. We are having an office party. People will get suspicious if you aren't there." He said and left.

You went to the precinct to talk to the police officer that responded to the call about the body. She was still in the precinct doing paperwork.

"Hey Judy. Can you help me with something? It shouldn't take too long."

"What do you need Sam?" Judy asked you.

"You remember Lily Dowson? The girl that was killed in that park awhile back? Do you remember anything from that case that might be able to catch the killer?"

"You think if I did we would have the bastard now? She thought for a second. Wait, why don't we go back to the park I might remember something. That case has been like a bad feeling that won't go away. Why do you ask about her? Do you know something I don't?"

"I might but I'm not sure. Will the captain be okay if I tag along when we go?"

"Yeah he will be fine with it. We will just be going to a park anyway the crime scene was cleared a couple weeks ago. She has been dead for a month or so now anyway."

You and officer Judy went to the park where Lily was found. There was only one person that was in the park. A homeless person that was sitting on a bench near where Lily was found. You walk up to him slowly motioning for Judy to follow you.

"Excuse me sir, were you here about a month ago when a young girl's body was found in this park?" You asked then waited for a response.

"Yes I was. Why do you ask about her? Are you trying to find the one that hurt her?" He asked in a meek voice.

"We are do you know what happened before she was killed? Did she argue with anyone? Was there someone who was following her?" Judy asked the man.

"There was one guy, he was wearing a nice suit. She didn't like him at all but he liked her a lot. He gave her a necklace, he put it on her. She didn't like it at all. He hurt her bad then took the necklace off of her when she fell. He walked away like nothing happened."

"Okay can you describe what he looks like?"

"Did the guy have dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and is slightly tall, with broad shoulders? He looks kinda buff and scary looking. Am I right?" You asked the man.

"Yes you are did you see him too?"

"No I didn't but I know someone who did." You replied.

You walked away and pulled out your phone. Judy came over to talk to you.

"How did you know all that? Did you see the guy? Or did you find someone that I don't know about? You have to tell me because we are still investigating her case." Judy insisted.

"Okay this is going to sound nuts but, Lily told me what happened. She knows who did it and was following him. He takes the same bus as me to go to work. I don't know his name but I will find out who he is. Lily didn't deserve what happened to her."

Judy's face said it all, she thought you were nuts. But she believed that you could help.

"Alright can you get her to tell you any more about what happened that night? Like what she was doing here with him and what was the necklace all about?" Judy asked you.

"I can try. Do you think you can call Roy my supervisor and tell him that you need me for a case? I have to go talk to Lily. You can come if you want and meet her. You won't be able to see her but you can still ask her questions."

"Sure I'll call him on the way there. Where is she anyway?"

"She is at my house. I told her to wait there for me." You said as you got into Judy's squad car to head to your house.

(Okay I am not that great at coming up with titles for chapters and stories in general, so if you guys have any input I would really appreciate it) 

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