Two bros sharing a bed

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Galo's POV

It took a few hours, and was super dark now but we all managed to get home. Presumably...

At least Lio and I did, that I know for a fact.

"Welcome to my humble abode." I said with a fake smile and opened the door.

Lio cautiously walked inside before looking around.
"It's nice. Cozy."

I walked past him and opened the fridge, searching for something to eat. Anything to eat.
"Yeah, it's an apartment. I got a plant though! Is name is Greg, and he's a cactus. He's on that windowsill right there."

Lio turned to look, then smiled and walked closer. He sat on my kitchen counter and put his hands in his lap.

"You hungry? I'm hungry. I have two slices of... oh never mind that's not broccoli it's mold." I asked, then stuck out my tongue. Holding a slice of pizza up by the very corner of the crust.

"Burn it." Lio said, not missing a beat. He seemed equally disgusted by the slice of moldy pizza.

"Yeah I'll just kinda- hyup."

Long story short, both slices of pizza were in the trash. We ate some Mac and cheese instead and just talked. Talked about anything, about everything.

Lio told me about his home near the volcano before the freeze force raided it. He told me about what it felt like to be shot by a absolute zero bullet. Mainly a lot of traumatizing stuff, but he seemed chill about it.

I could tell there was a lot more things he wanted to tell me, but didn't. Things that affected him more than what we had been talking about. But regardless is that, Lio really opened up to me.

And what did I talk about you defiantly didn't ask? How to make Mac and cheese. The experiments. My annoying neighbor. Basically whatever my train of thought decided to stop at. Which was a whole lot of random history stuff...

Lio burst out laughing.
"When we first fought, you just brought out this projector! And I was so confused! Who brings a projector to a battle to the death?"

I chuckled and put our empty bowls into the sink.
"I do apparently. It's cool though! Right?"

He shrugged, head in one hand and the other tapping a tune on the counter. And oh he was still very much shirtless.

"Hang on, I got just the thing for you." I said and walked off into my bedroom, opening the closet.

A big red burning rescue sweatshirt. Bingo.

"Here, you're probably not fond of being, what did you call it? Naked?" I chuckled, handing it to him.

"I wasn't wrong." He said simply, and put it on.

Oh that's just adorable...

"It's a little big. I like it." Lio said with a smile, pulling it up to his eyes.

I smiled and sort of stared at him for a minute or two. Admiring him, I'll admit.

"Galo?" He questioned, hands sticking out of the huge sleeves and reaching across the countertop.

"Hmm? Oh uh, yeah? I wasn't staring! Promise!" I yelped, jerking away.

Lio laughed and got out of the chair, walking over to me and just letting his head fall against my chest.

"Huh?" Escaped my lips, an involuntary noise.

"You're so stupid..." he whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist. Hugging me.

"I get that a lot." I chuckled, and hugged him back.

Something about that just felt right.... I don't know how to put it into words.

Lio pulled back a little and looked at me. He smiled and seemed genuinely happy, until his gaze drifted to my left arm. A sort of sadness seeped onto his face as he traced the scars. I guess the sleeve was damaged during the fight...

"Who did this?" Lio whispered.

"Nobody. A fire, that's all-"

"Who did this?!" He snapped, changing the angle of his head so his bangs covered his eyes.

I sighed and put my hand on top of his head.
"Lio... it happened a long time ago, I'm fine."

A shaky breath rattled his ribs.
"I promised myself I'd protect you..."

I frowned and got down on one knee, holding Lio's head in my hands. Gently stroking his cheek with my thumb.
"Hey... you did. You protected me, I'm okay. See? I'm-"

He reached back out and put a hand on my bicep.

I leaned my forehead against his, not thinking.

Lio jolted back, out of my embrace.

Guess I struck a nerve...
"It's late. It's been a long day. We ate some food, I think it's time for bed."

He nodded, head down and staring at the floor.

"Cheer up, little buddy." I joked, ruffling up his hair.

After a few steps, it was obvious Lio wasn't following me.
"I'm not little." He whispered, then turned and walked past me into the bedroom.

I smiled and turned on the light.
"Here, I'll sleep on the couch. You can have my-"

"No. It's your house. It's your bed, I'll... sleep on the couch. Or the floor. Whichever you want me to sleep on." He said, leaning against the wall next to the bed and across the room from me.

"Nope. You get the bed."

"What if I don't want the bed?" Lio asked, crossing his arms. It looked really funny with such big, baggy, sleeves. And the sweatshirt was almost a dress on him.

"Fine! Then we both get the couch!" I said and grabbed a pillow off of the bed.

Lio ran to block the doorway. I just rolled my eyes and picked him up, walking two feet out into the living room and kitchen, then plopped him right back down onto the floor.

And he could've kicked my ass if he wanted to, Hell one chop to the neck like last time and I'd be out cold and tied up again.

Lio hopped onto the couch and was smiling at me like a cocky goofball.

"I'll lay on you." I warned, throwing the pillow down.
"Might want to move to the nice, comfy, warm, bed, Lio. Nobody wants to sleep on this old musty couch..."

"Exactly. Which is why you should get the bed." He hummed.

Oh this was a battle now... and I wasn't going to lose. Galo Thymos doesn't lose.

"Well, if you insist..." I began, then just laid down on the couch with my head in Lio's lap.
"Should've gone to bed when you had the chance... but now I have the couch."

My eyes snapped back open to the feeling of hands in my hair. At first I thought he was going to pull it and tell me to move, but no...

Lio just ran his fingers through my hair and smiled down at me.

Fuck... this is one hell of a reward. Whatever spirit is out there, thankssss!

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