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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Please do not distribute, publish, transmit, modify, display or create derivative works from or exploit the conteyffnts of this story in any way. Kindly obtain permission.


Cover image is not mine. Credits to LittleRavine from

Music videos and images used are not my property either. No copyright infringement intended. These were merely used for the entertainment of the readers. Credits to the artists and those who uploaded the videos on YouTube.

Author's Note:

Hello readers! Here's my second story on Wattpad. To those who have read 'The One I Left Behind', sorry this is not Book 2. This is a totally different love story, although some of the characters already appeared previously. Just the same, I hope you'll come to love the new characters.

Once again, if you noticed some grammatical, spelling or typo errors, please forgive me. Wala po akong editor. ;-)

Also, please follow and vote (per chapter, hopefully). Feel free to comment or send a message, too. That will be very kind of you and that's how I feel appreciated as a writer.

Read on and I hope you enjoy.

Thanks, everyone! =)

Date Started : September 2015

Date Completed : September 2016

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They say that when you finally find your one true love, you should never let it go. You must cherish it and hold on to it as much as you can. You must fight for it and do everything you can to keep it alive.

But what if you didn't know just yet that the one in front of you is your one true love?

What if the one you took for granted turned out to be the best love you'll ever have?

And when you finally realized that he's the one...

He's already gone.

That's when you will painfully remember how he wasted all those times walking behind you because you never allowed him to walk by your side.

That's the only time you'll look back at those days when having him near used to disgust you, but now you'd trade practically anything just to see his face.

That's when you'll regret how you pushed him away, and now you're willing to give up everything just to have him back.

But the thing is, it's a little too late.

He fought for your love but apparently gave up, knowing he was alone in the battle.

He tried to hold on but suddenly came to his senses and accepted the fact that you're not waiting at the other end of the rope.

He loved you...but he's no longer willing to wait.

How do you try to win back his love?

How far can you go for love?

How long could it last?

How can you prove to him that your feelings are true?

How much are you willing to sacrifice?

Would you still fight?

Or would you just give up, knowing that you didn't deserve his love in the first place?

Just One DateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon