Part One

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This is not following the uf storyline or any, its following a mix of them.....


My eyelids slid open, a gush of wind fanning my face as I began to sit up. My bones and joints ached as I was filled with sudden fear, fear of being alone, the... vulnerability. I shook slightly as the unfamiliar surroundings started to come into focus. I was terrified to say the least, but hey, I needed to focus. needed to remember.....

"Feeling scared is for weaklings..." I whispered to myself as I began to stand up. I took a deep breath, from there on, continuing with my accident.

"Howdy! I'm flowey, flowey the flower" A shrill voice pricked at my ears as it snapped me out of my trans. I stood defensively as I was taught, too bad I had barely any experience with fighting, really, the worst I did was beat the shit out of 12th graders.

"The fuck you want?" I mustered up anything that came to my mind.

Skip some of you and flowey talking, blah blah blah

"Pellets, friendly pellets that give you unlimited strength!" The flower smiled "Just run into them!!!"

A dark aura surrounded the flower as I got ready to flee. The 'pellets' surrounded me, giving me no way to escape. My mind flooded with questions, my breathing picked up as I realized my mistake. My breathing got heavier and less paced as the pellets surrounded me. Acting on instinct I covered my face with my arms before hearing a loud


and.... the flower was gone. I took a deep breath, and yelped when a tall, goat like, creature stood in front of me.

sigh. Skip to Snowdin I guess.

I grasped the baggy t-shirt that was, now slightly ripped, around me. I wandered more, the snow crunching under my bear feet as they tingled.

Probably going to have to get my legs amputated...

I chuckled as I shook my head, a little joke always lightens the mood.

As I approached a bridge, what felt like a blazing glare shot through me. I stopped dead in my tracks.

Fight? I can't fight, why didn't I just stay. Fuck, holy shitting fuck I am so dead, just act tough, don't feel intimidated.

I hopped around 6 feet up as I let out a light growl, facing the person in front, well, behind me.

"Sorry to scare ya' princess" A deep voice beckoned me.

Is he, they, she, it, mocking me?..

"You didn't do shit ya' bastard!" I growled as my eyes adjusted to the, now, man, skeleton in front of me.

"Woah buddy, you might wanna calm down the swearin' yeah?" He chuckled, as I began to feel less powerful and less frightening.

"Whatsa' nice young lady like you doin out here? Ya' know how dangerous it is? Also given you are a....well.... human, no?" He glared slightly. As I was about to answer the skeleton leaped at me, pushing me to the ground as I let out a grunt when my body hit the floor.

My clothes began to get cold as the skeleton adjusted his grip, pinning me to the floor as he lightly choked me.

"Now listen ere', I am going to need you to co-operate, unless ya wanna die of course, you'll only stay alive if your with me and my bro.. whaddya say eh toots?" His grip tightened slightly, his eyes emanating more read as I let out a choke for air. I nodded, furiously, as his grip loosened, but of course, he had to comment.

"I like the sound of you choking, hah" He chuckled as he adjusted a collar around my neck.

"First off, a collar, what the fuck I am not a fucking dog dipshit, second off Mr. Touchy, who the fucking hell says somthn' creepy like that to someone the first fuckn' time they meet you, well, fuck you bitch" I blandly stated as I began to follow him, him of course, only letting out a slight snicker as I began to follow him.


This is really bad, holy shit lmao.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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