Chapter 1

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                             failed to save you....I promise I will follow your last requests.

" for us...."-M0M

"Sis....we love you....please....don't give up..."o/b/n

"stay strong sissy.....p-please...."-y/b/n

"Stay determined Y/'re our special little kita....."-Dad

My teeth clenched at the last memory of my family. Their pitiful expressions, dull eyes, pale and bloody skin, slowly dying while I stood.

I stood and watched helplessly.

All I had left of them was o/b/n's scarf, y/b/n's necklace, mom's favorite hair clip, and dad's old phone. I wear/use them all to this day in fact.

And now, here I am, training my heart out so I could get into UA. A special snowflake with 2 quirks and a special gender. Kita.

Name- Y/n L/n

Gender 1- female

Gender 2- Kita

Quirk 1- Anxietotious

Quirk 2-Songbird

Description 1- Can increase speed, will to achieve her goal, her senses, her reflexes, and her weight (meaning she'll feel light as a feather, fast as a bullet, like she can do anything, and like she can see everything). Her screams also can be sonic booms that are high enough to make glass shatter and ears bleed. Can sense people's physical, mental, and or emotional pain. Her tears also can become acidic at will (like when you cry so much your eyes feel like they're burning). She can also make people have an anxiety attack but she never does unless there's no other option.

Drawback/overuse1- Constant fear and paranoia follow her around. Using too much will either make her have an intense anxiety attack or pass out from mental/physical/emotional exhaustion. Limit is average to reach from her strong mind but fragile past balancing each other out.

Description 2- Depending on the song she can change hers or other people's emotions/ motivate them. Just like the other quirk but with songs, she can increase her volume to make sonic booms or increase pitch to make glass shatter and ears bleed. She can motivate/manipulate people to do her bidding if she finds a song about it. She can sing lullaby's to put people to sleep but it will be anyone around a certain radius, depending on how loud it is (has not yet learned how to target the lullaby). If in the right position, she can lift things into the air using her voice. She can hold her breath for a long time so it's harder to suffocate her. She can also use her voice to project herself forward (or in this case backwards). One more thing. If a song relates to things like the singer having wings or any other special tributes, it can be in affect. For example, the song "sippy cup" by melanie gives her wings. Y/n singing it will allow her to become part angel. This include the wings and halo. Though that's all for the angel part but she could also summon one knife since the woman in the song used it. She could also make a sippy cup with a medicine that can do anything she wants it too. Whether poison, kill, heal, or knock someone out. She'll also be able to manipulate someone to drink it if she sings the correct lyrics that have the woman drinking it. I think you get it. When the time comes, I'll be sure to include the details.

Overuse/drawback 2- When projecting herself, she can't look behind her. Overuse can damage her throat and make her lose her voice. Limit is hard to reach with her constantly using her voice for training.

Personality (ignoring her quirks' effects)- Relatively quiet. Shy. A bit clumsy. A kind hearted person. Believes strongly in justice.

Age- 13-17

-the legend of the kita-Todobakudeku x reader (alpha beta and omega AU)Where stories live. Discover now