The dark world i never new

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So we pulled up to this mansion, I was surprised I thought we would go to an old, dark basement and that he would rape me and let me go. Maybe be isn't even planning to rape me? Maybe he wants to hurt me? How does he know me? Does he want revenge on me for some reason? My mind over flowed with questions but I stood up out of the car and I knew I couldn't escape.
"We're going in here, I'm going to put a bag over your head and your going to agree to follow me as I drag you, if you try to escape, I will kill you. Okay?"
I nodded I wanted to say yes but I couldn't speak with the overwhelming lump in my throat.

We were walking down a hall, I think. I couldn't tell because I couldn't even see through the sack over my face.
"Kneel down!" The mystery man ordered
I knelt, my boney knees against the hard, cold floor.
"Up straight!"
I straightened my back as much as possible. I kneel for around 10 minuets without a sound. I hoped he had left but I could here slight muttering and mumbles. I gathered up how much my life has changed in under an hour, it's a lot to take in. I might not ever see anyone I knew again.

Another guy quickly pulled off the sack and examined my face. He pulled down my lip to see my teeth, he lifted my head a little, he pulled up my eyelid and looked in my eye. Wait what?! Am I being forced into slavery?!
"Put her on the plus side"
The other man pulled me up and took me to a room packed with loads of women. I felt like I couldn't breath, every bone in my body felt crushed.

I was in this tight room for hours. I wanted to find my phone but it had disappeared. The guy who drove me here came into the room and shouted
We all done that. One small crowded room full of bare women.
We followed him like he had a massive control over us. Some ran, try we're shot dead we came to the van in the back of the house and we all went in, some of us got seats. I was one that didn't.

It had been a while since we left the mansion and we came to a stop, there it was, the private jet that got us all nervous.
"GET OUT AND LINE UP!" He yelled
We lined in a straight line, single file all of us still in the nude
We all went up and sat on the plain. Our naked behinds against the plush but itchy chairs. I wanted to talk to somebody but I know I would probably be shot.
I, still very confused, had know idea were we were going, I just wanted to be home not here.
Where were we going? I wanted to know.

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